Let me just start out by saying…teaching piano at home was not something I ever planned on doing. I toyed around with the idea for about a millisecond a couple years ago but quickly decided it was something that I wanted to let someone else teach our children. Piano Background Mark and I both play …
Fall Soccer
One of the wonderful things about living in a bigger area is that there are more opportunities for the kiddos to participate in different things. Jacob has tried organized sports before and it’s never gone very well. He has never seemed very interested and I didn’t want to push him into anything. But this summer …
My 31st Birthday
Welp…it’s official – I am in my THIRTIES! But I’m okay with it. I really am. I am accepting the fact that I have some crinkles on my forehead {doesn’t 31 seem a little young for that though…just wondering…maybe I need to purchase some “age cream” or purchase sunglasses…} and that this newborn stage has …
The Second Great Commandment
General Conference is easily one of my favorite weekends of the year. I love it and always leave feeling lifted and inspired to be better. This conference there were many wonderful lessons and counsel. But what stood out to me the most throughout the talks were to be aware of deceptions and distractions. We had …
Potty Training
Oh…potty training. I must admit, potty training is not my favorite activity in the world. Maybe it’s the constant cleaning of bodily fluids {or bodily solids…} or maybe it’s having to look at my child’s private parts watching for any sign of activity…I’m not sure what it is, but there’s something about it that just …
{RECAP} September 2019 Schoolhouse
Another month has come and gone and we are LEARNING! The biggest thing this month was that I just needed to take a step back and roll with things every day. Lydia really struggled sleeping this month {especially her daytime sleep} so I felt like I pretty much had to hold her during her entire …
2019 Family Pictures
Oh my goodness, when I first saw these pictures I was basically crying happy tears! I don’t know why it hit me so hard but I am just in love with them. I love seeing a picture of our entire family – all SIX of us {WHAT?!!! – WHEN did that happen?!}. I cannot wait …
Lydia’s 4th Month
I cannot believe how much this little lady is growing up! It happens so fast and if there is a way to slow it down – please let me know! They were pretty concerned about Lydia’s growth the first two months of her life but she has rallied and is doing completely fine now! She …
My favorite season is HERE! I love fall. It is so refreshing and beautiful. I will admit, other then the temperatures, I am struggling to see the fall beauty in our little part of the world. Fall here looks just about how it does in spring and summer. It’s a shame sagebrush doesn’t change color …
2020 Berning Family Vacation
Once we hit our final day of the trip {usually our travel day home}, I get super antsy to pick our trip for the following year! My favorite tradition lives on and we have picked our trip for 2020! AHHH! Also, is anyone else in complete denial that next year is 2020?! Holy smokes! How …