
{REVIEW} Fall Nature Study

“Autumn…the year’s last, loveliest smile.”

William Cullen Bryant

This year we added a new “subject” to our learning and we have really loved it…when we’ve done it. I have to admit, I have really struggled finding time for our nature study.

But the DESIRE to do it is definitely there. I keep thinking when Lydia gets a little older it will be easier, but right now it just seems so hard to get everyone up and out of the house by myself.


But for now, baby steps.

We have been using Exploring Nature with Children and we have really enjoyed it. There is so much more I wish we could have done with it but…we will get there!

Autumnal Equinox

I love that this curriculum gives book suggestions, a poem, and a piece of art to use alongside each weekly theme. These are definitely the three components we use the most.

We love celebrating the changing of the seasons and even though fall looks a little bit different here in our part of Wyoming, the kids painted pictures of what fall looks like to them.


This was BY FAR our favorite nature study week we did! There were so many fun and informative books we read about pumpkins and late autumn harvest.

We went to a pumpkin patch and had planned on doing some more activities with our pumpkins but we left them outside and they froze – WOOPS!


This was a great nature study topic to add onto our Kingdoms and Classification unit we were studying in science.

We reviewed the six different kingdoms of living things and the kids each drew their own mushroom and labeled the different parts.

Wrap Up

We are enjoying our nature study and hope to make time for more experiences in the future.

To see how our winter study went – click here!