

“He made thee to hear His voice.”

Deuteronomy 4:36

I had the amazing opportunity to attend a beautiful conference – Time Out for Women. I’ve lost count how many times I have attended this conference but am so grateful for each and every one.

When Jacob asked me where I was going and I replied with, “Time Out for Women” his response was “And you’re excited for this activity?“.


This conference is such a wonderful opportunity to get your spiritual bucket filled. And, for me, an opportunity to be strengthened in all my many roles as a woman.

This year was focused all about increasing our spiritual capacity to receive personal revelation. I was so grateful for this as it has been something that has weighed on my mind recently, and REALLY ever since President Nelson’s talk last year in General Conference.

“In coming days, it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting, and constant influence of the Holy Ghost.”

President Russell M. Nelson
“Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Lives”

Every year the lineup of speakers and musical performers is amazing. I was particularly struck by one description of personal revelation.

“Personal revelation is when our Heavenly Father enters our story and responds.”

Now I don’t think our Father in Heaven is jumping in and out of our lives {and I don’t think that’s what they were implying either} but I loved the imagery of inviting our Father in Heaven and allowing ourselves to be prepared for the response we can get from Him.

Sometimes I can feel so overwhelmed with the many “hats” I wear, and if I am being honest, there have been times recently where I have felt pretty lonely.

This conference really made me feel like even in those moments where I feel lonely in my many roles, that I do not have to be. Our Father in Heaven wants to be engaged in our lives – in good times and in bad, in big and small.

Julie B. Beck said, “the ability to qualify for, receive, and act on personal revelation is the single most important skill that can be acquired in this life.

I am so grateful for this opportunity. It was wonderful to spend the weekend with my sister, Melina, and my mother {although my sister Megan DID get to join us for dinner before the conference! Love you, Megs!}. I am grateful for the promptings I received to move forward and invite my Heavenly Father into all of the moments of my life.