
Journal // February 2024

Our every day February moments.

Mild Winter

This has been a strange winter. It has been really mild – so mild that at the beginning of February we were playing with ladybugs! 🐞

New Furniture for Sarah

We have gone back and forth on building Sarah’s furniture for her room. I wasn’t finding anything I really loved and we loved the idea of saving some money by building it ourselves. But I was watching new year sales and this bedroom set went on sale and we grabbed it up! It finally came this month and I love it so much. Sarah officially has the nicest bedroom in the entire house! It is getting so close to being DONE!

Baking Fail

I made a goal this year that I wanted to start consistently making bread for my family. I make bread pretty often but not enough for us to use as our every day sandwich type of bread. I love my potato bread recipe from my Grandma and I also have a multigrain bread that we really enjoy. But I wanted to add just a basic white bread to the mix.

It did not work. You win some and you lose some.

Caddie Woodlawn

Sarah and I read Caddie Woodlawn for the first time together and it was such a cute book. We both really loved it! It kind of has a Little House on the Prairie feel that we really enjoyed!

Think Smarter. Not Harder.

Who has time to hold up the magnifying glass? Not this kid. I never want him to grow up.


Jacob and Sarah have been working on their Kingdoms and Classification unit in science. I would much rather take an ignorance is bliss approach to bacteria in our home. But they thought this experiment was awesome! Yuck.


Then Jacob got a strange rash on his neck. Luckily, we were able to get it under control!

Youth Retreat

Jacob had his FIRST overnighter youth retreat up at Estes Park. He had a blast and it has been so much fun watching him the last two months as he has embraced young mens! Read all about the retreat HERE.

A Proper Snowstorm

We FINALLY got a good and proper snowstorm! It was so fun to wake up to this winter wonderland! We would have gladly taken a dozen more days like this!


I can be a determined little soul. The next weekend I tried the same recipe for my white bread and SUCCESS! I was so happy. It tasted delicious!

Language Arts

Spelling practice is WAY more fun when it is disguised as a coloring activity. Spelling words inside the tent ✔

Valentine’s Day

We had such a lovely Valentine’s Day. Recap of it HERE.

February Puzzle Challenge ✔

February puzzle – COMPLETED! This time I traveled to Rocky Mountain. I hope we get to go up there this year!

February Watercolor ✔

Sarah and I did a fun botanical watercolor project – COSMOS!

Flip Books

Ben LOVES these flip books in language arts!

President’s Day

We did a little President’s Day School and it was so fun! We learned about George Washington and we all laughed way too much about his dog being named “Sweet Lips”. And then we made Hoecakes! They turned out so yummy!


We used some beads and pipe cleaners to talk about vertebrates in science!

Lydia’s First Haircut

Lydia had her very first haircut! She now looks three years older (which we don’t know how we feel about that!) but SO CUTE! All of the pictures HERE.

Larry the Lion

Meet Larry. Ben made him and loves him.

Kingdoms and Classification ✔

Jacob and Sarah finished their Kingdoms and Classification unit for science. WOOT WOOT!

Capture the Fish

Fishing for sight words! Ben has made a LOT of progress with his reading the last couple months. And I am so proud of all of his hard work.

Winter Bucket List – PAJAMA DAY ✔

We crossed another item off of our winter bucket list and had our family pajama day!

Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm

Jacob does his read alouds through audio books now. He finished Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm this month.


Is there a better activity in your jammies then yoga?! On our family jammy day – after the kids were done with school – they were all begging for some yoga!

Polar Bear Hot Chocolate

And then to really top off our jammie day – we ended with polar bear hot chocolate! Did it taste good – no, not really – but the kids thought it was really fun! 😉

Zoo Field Trip

After the kids finished their science unit we thought it was time for a field trip. We invited some friends and spent the day at the zoo!

13th Anniversary

Mark and I celebrated our 13th Anniversary! I love this man so much. Love post is HERE.

The Raccoon

We’ve been reading some animal poetry in language arts. So I asked Sarah to write a poem about any animal she wanted. She chose a raccoon!

Drawing – Level Three ✔

Sarah finished her drawing course for this year. She does so well with it!


Jacob and Sarah started their new history unit – THE MIDDLE AGES! To kick it off – we learned about Stonehenge!

(2) Comments

  1. Dixie Valentine says:

    Well Done!!! These two words fit every experience you shared.

    1. Elise says:

      Thank you! 🥰

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