Faith, Life

Youth Retreat

Last weekend, Jacob went on his first overnighter youth activity! He was so excited and had a really great time. The young men and young women from our ward went up to Estes Park and stayed at the YMCA of the Rockies. The first night, they had a devotional about the Atonement.

In the morning, they woke up to snow (but not nearly as much snow as we got here at home!). Jacob had ice cream for breakfast and spent the day playing! Jacob is not a big fan of ice skating so he stayed in and played games. He said he had a great time and I am so grateful for all of the good friends and parents that were up there.

(3) Comments

  1. Dixie Valentine says:

    How did Mom survive?

    1. Elise says:

      Haha! It was a little tough at times. But luckily I had amazing friends up there that would send me pictures 😉 I am glad he had so much fun!

  2. […] Jacob had his FIRST overnighter youth retreat up at Estes Park. He had a blast and it has been so much fun watching him the last two months as he has embraced young mens! Read all about the retreat HERE. […]

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