Showing 8 Result(s)


January came and went in a flash – but in February we were finally able to sit down as a family and talk about what our goals were for the upcoming year. If you are new around here, we are a very goal-oriented family. We believe in striving to become. This was such a fun …


Sarah in the Kitchen

Sarah made a goal back in January that she wanted to learn how to cook. It has been lots of fun the last couple months spending time with Sarah in the kitchen! She is so willing to learn and has become such a big help. This girl inspires me every day and I can’t wait …



It will probably not be surprising to most that some of my favorite “Santa” gifts each Christmas are my new planner and our new family calendar! I have learned this last year, especially, how much I find comfort in having an organized life. My mind has gone back to the idea of “order” A LOT …



Jacob made a goal the end of September to learn how to better take care of our home – specifically, how to use the dishwasher! It is pretty amazing when your kiddo voluntarily wants to learn how to do something that is going to make YOUR life simpler! Let’s just say, I was very supportive …



I love New Years. Not like other holidays so much with all of the traditions and things – but I love the feeling of New Years. I love the feeling of starting fresh, the possibilities – it’s a great thing! Now, I think 2020 is a year that none of us will forget any time …