Faith, Schoolhouse

Old Testament Marking Guide

Jacob made a goal earlier this year that he wanted to be in the scriptures more. I was thrilled to try and support him in this. This year we have been studying the Old Testament as a family and so Jacob wanted to dive more into that.

One way Jacob specifically wanted to get more into the scriptures is to complete a weekly marking guide that is put out by The Red Headed Hostess. This is a great company that we have used a lot in our study of Come, Follow Me. Each week they release a marking guide that does a great job teaching how to study your scriptures. I feel like scripture study is very personal, everyone does it their own way, but this is a good starting point while Jacob figures out what works best for him.

Each Sunday morning before church, Jacob sits at the table and works on his guide while I sit nearby and do my own scripture study. It’s been a great bonding experience. It’s been wonderful to let Jacob do this on his own, but he also likes when I am there physically by him.

I hope this is the beginning of a love for the scriptures for Jacob. I love that boy and all that he does to grow and become more like our Savior.