

I love New Years. Not like other holidays so much with all of the traditions and things – but I love the feeling of New Years. I love the feeling of starting fresh, the possibilities – it’s a great thing!

Now, I think 2020 is a year that none of us will forget any time soon. We definitely had some downs. Our world went through {and continues to experience} a world-wide pandemic where hundreds of thousands of people have died and our country has become divided countless ways because of race, political affiliations, and other issues. It has been a difficult year.

Our little family has gone through a lot as well. Jacob was diagnosed with autism in June and we continue to push for answers for our sweet Lydia. The kids {and I} have struggled to find friendships and even though we are very content at home, we miss the feeling of friendship with others.

But ever since November, I keep going back to what President Russell M. Nelson said:

“Counting our blessings is far better than recounting our problems. No matter our situation, showing gratitude for our privileges is a fast-acting and long-lasting spiritual prescription.”

It was incredible to me how much peace and comfort I felt the week of Thanksgiving when I made a sincere effort to be laser-focused on gratitude. It was truly a tender mercy from the Lord.

So I made the decision then and there to make 2021 my year of gratitude. There is a lot of unknown as we enter this upcoming year, but oh goodness, my family and myself have been so blessed.

We have a knowledge of the gospel and we have a relationship with our Father in Heaven and our Savior. This brings us an incalculable amount of peace. We have one another. I am grateful every day for Mark and the kids. They are my dream come true. We were blessed to make the decision to homeschool years ago which helped us avoid a lot of stress that others had to go through this last year with the education of their kids. We have extended family that loves and supports us. We have been healthy from the virus. Mark has a job that gives us financial stability. We have been put with excellent doctors who have supported us and our children through their medical journeys. And we were even able to go on a family vacation this year and make memories that we will treasure forever.

I could go on and on. We have so much to be thankful for.

Luckily, Santa even got in on my plan, and got me a “gratitude journal” in my stocking. It’s been so nice to end my day thinking of my blessings. It helps to reset my brain on those things and I am grateful for that.

A couple weeks ago, our family all got together and we talked about our hopes and goals for this new year. It was a great discussion and I love getting a direction – and it’s always fascinating to see what the kiddos are thinking about!

Usually the first of every month, we try and talk about our goals and how we are doing with things. I am a BIG believer in goals and I am happy to instill some of that in the kids as well.

One thing I asked the kids was what their wish was for this upcoming year. Jacob said that he simply wanted to be happy. Sarah said that she wishes Jesus come come to our house.

They are the sweetest and I am so grateful that no matter what happens this year I get to spend it with them.

(2) Comments

  1. Scott Clegg says:

    I hope that Jacob can be happy this year too. Sarah would be one of the few who would be prepared for and comfortable with a visit by Jesus to her home. I hope that all of you can find and have one good friend in 2021.

    1. Elise says:

      My hopes as well ☺

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