
New Year’s Eve

New Year’s Eve seems so long ago right now! But we had a wonderfully simple celebration. We had a candlelit feast {we LOVED eating by candlelight throughout December as we celebrated advent – it’s now become a favorite!}.

Celebrations and holidays I feel like are meaning more and more to me each time. I have always loved celebrating but I just feel like I am getting so much joy from serving my family and trying to make these special memories for all of us. I really do love being a mother and wife.

After dinner we all got in our jammies and we rang in the new year. We put on some dance music and danced around blowing kazoos and doing “poppers” and just having fun. It was perfectly simple and wonderful.

We put Lydia down for bed, and the rest of us snuggled down for a family movie. After the movie, Sarah and Benjamin went to bed and Jacob, Mark, and I went upstairs to play some games. One game we got for Christmas is The Bears and the Bees and it is so much fun. It is simple enough for Jacob to get it but involves some strategy which makes it super fun for adults and kids alike. We’ve really enjoyed it!

After playing a couple rounds of this game, Jacob looked up at the clock and saw it was 10:30 and his eyes got big as he said, “after this round, I’ve GOT to get to bed!”. 😂

We all had a good laugh and he headed to bed. Mark and I stayed up and played some more games until we rang in the new year! Let’s do this 2021!

New Year’s Pasts:

2015 in Utah

(2) Comments

  1. Dixie Valentine says:

    Sounds like a lot of fun!

    1. Elise says:

      We had a good time 😀

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