
Halloween Festivities

Fall is easily my favorite season and we jammed in as much wonderful fall/Halloween goodness into our last weekend as we could! After Mark got off of work on Wednesday we headed over to Utah for all of the FUN! Chinese Food We kicked off things with some delicious Chinese food! We have been studying …


My 31st Birthday

Welp…it’s official – I am in my THIRTIES! But I’m okay with it. I really am. I am accepting the fact that I have some crinkles on my forehead {doesn’t 31 seem a little young for that though…just wondering…maybe I need to purchase some “age cream” or purchase sunglasses…} and that this newborn stage has …


Potty Training

Oh…potty training. I must admit, potty training is not my favorite activity in the world. Maybe it’s the constant cleaning of bodily fluids {or bodily solids…} or maybe it’s having to look at my child’s private parts watching for any sign of activity…I’m not sure what it is, but there’s something about it that just …