

I love a new year. There is something about a fresh start that is so exciting. I’m a big goal setter and I love to reevaluate the goals I am working on – what’s working and what’s not – and push myself in new ways. A couple years ago we made a giant board with spots for everyone to put their goals and I love that it has instilled in our kids that growth mindset and gives us a visual prompt to encourage one another.

Our January family council is always about our new goals for the year. The kids got right to it!

I came across this quote from Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf that I shared with our family that night:

“An old proverb says, “The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second-best time is now.” Now is the best time to start becoming the person we eventually want to be – not only 20 years from now but also for all eternity.”

I have many goals for this upcoming year. I have lots of hopes and dreams for things I want to do both personally, as a couple, and as a family. I have goals for my relationships, spirituality, physical body, and things to learn. The whole shebang!

But one thought keeps coming back to me. Some years I pick a word to focus on that year. And a word that came to my mind as I was thinking of this upcoming year and some of the changes I want to make in my life is EMBRACE.

I loved this definition I found in our Websters 1828 Dictionary: to seize eagerly; to lay hold on; to receive or take with willingness that which is offered

Doing some self reflection lately, I feel like, in some ways, I have been pushing back on things a little. Not necessarily on the outside, but on the inside. Sometimes I find myself doing things because it is expected of me, not because it is what I whole heartedly want to do. And part of that is just life, I think. Every day is not going to be rainbows and butterflies and following what my heart wants to do that day.

But this year I want to lean more into my life. I want to “seize eagerly” the situations that come my way. I want to “receive with willingness” the tasks and life circumstances that occur. I want to live in this sweet time with my family. I think this is where I am feeling this most of all.

I feel like I am right in the middle of a beautiful season of life. All of my kiddos are home with us (and bonus – they seem to really love to be home and those relationships are of great value to them). It is busy and there is constant noise, things on the floor, dishes in the kitchen, laundry to be put away, school to be done, errands to be run, activities to attend, therapies to do, snuggles needed, etc. And everyone says it, but I really am starting to feel it – that one day, I am going to miss it. I am going to miss this season and think back on this time (I hope) with fondness and love. It is what is going to fill my bucket – these moments and memories that we are making now. Of course, memories and moments will continue, but it won’t be the same.

So this year, I want to embrace my family. I want to embrace what life looks like for me, mid-thirties, in the thick of family life. Because that is the greatest work I will ever do. I know that. But I don’t always feel that. And that is what I want to lean into this year. Embracing this beautiful stage, with my favorite people, in this amazing time that we are in.

Happy 2024 to you all!