
Independence Day

Fourth of July is definitely in my top three favorite holidays – and that’s saying something because I love a good holiday!

And Fourth of July wouldn’t be the Fourth of July without spending it in Soda Springs. I love that place and I can’t imagine spending this beautiful holiday anywhere else.

We headed over to Soda Springs on July 3rd. We made a pit stop in Montpelier and visited the clinic that Mark used to work at to visit with some work friends. It was great to see them and introduce them to our little Lydie.

After our pit stop we drove over to Georgetown to check out Mark’s old hometown and then made our way over to Soda Springs. We are so grateful to my Grandma Dixie who was willing to let us stay with her!

Mark and Jacob set up our tent in the backyard and I got things settled inside for Lydie and I {I love a good campout but with Lydie being so little we thought it would be easier for everyone if her and I stayed inside}.

We had a relaxing evening catching up with Grandma and then headed to bed!

We woke up bright and early and got moving! Before we knew it we were heading over to the middle of town for the parade! Jacob and Sarah were SO excited for the parade! And, as always, it did not disappoint!

It was so much fun to introduce Lydie to so much extended family. She was definitely the most popular of our group!

After the parade we walked around the city park and the kids played on the playground, looked at the old train, and played on top of some impressive war equipment 😉

Next up was Grandpa and Grandma Clegg’s home for our family barbecue.

It was so much fun having so many of us there. All of my Dad’s siblings were there except for my one and it was great to be all together.

Good food + great company = a pretty perfect afternoon.

The afternoon was mostly just spent in good conversation with the kids running around the yard and exploring. Mark and some of the others tried to go shooting but were rained out – maybe next year!

I had a really sweet and tender afternoon talking with my grandparents. Family time is truly precious.

Grandpa and Grandma with their children
Grandpa and Grandma with their children and spouses
And then Grandpa and Grandma with the grand kids!
And last up, is Grandpa and Grandma with all of their great-grandchildren!
Four Generations!

We then headed over to Grandma Dixie’s again to play and help get ready for the family dinner over at her house.

We had dinner – complete with homemade root beer – and hoped that the rain would stop! Luckily, IT DID! We had quite the impressive firework show by Melina and then the kids were D-O-N-E. Poor Jacob came up afterwards crying because he was just so exhausted but didn’t want to miss any of the fun. Poor little guy.

It was a fantastic day filled with food, fun and family. I love the fourth of July and it seemed to have extra meaning since we studied the Revolutionary War this year in history. I am so grateful for the men and women who sacrificed everything to create our country and for those who still work every day to protect those freedoms that we enjoy.