Faith, Life

Family Baptisms

Oh this sweet boy. My heart has been so tender with him the last several weeks. But my favorite part might have just been this – and I wasn’t even there for it!

I love going to the house of the Lord. I love the spirit that is there. It feels like home. And I could not wait for Jacob to experience it. We’ve taken Jacob to quite a few temple open houses but this was going to be different. For the first time, Jacob would be going into the Lord’s dedicated home. It was so special.

If you know me, you know that my heart is also very tender to my ancestors. I feel such a pull to know them and to share their stories with my family. And I was thrilled to have Jacob become a special part of their story, too.

Mark and Jacob went to the Fort Collins Temple for Jacob to perform baptisms for members of our family. I am so grateful that these two got to experience another special moment together. Jacob has already gone twice now and it makes my heart so happy. I hope he is always drawn to this special place and the work that happens inside.

Life is so very good.

(2) Comments

  1. Dixie Valentine says:

    That is wonderful.

    1. Elise says:


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