
Lydia’s 2nd Month

This look girl is an absolute angel. She is such a light in our home and in our lives. We cannot get enough of her!

Little Lydie is little. We are in uncharted territory with her. She is only 8 pounds 12 ounces (6%) and 20.7 inches in length (4%). I am not going to lie – we are all in love with her littleness – but we also know that she needs to grow. Her doctor is worried that she isn’t growing as well as she should be and so our goal this month is to beef her up a little bit!

Lydia is still in newborn size clothing. And she gets a 2-3 ounce bottle 6 to 7 times a day.

She is a rockstar when it comes to sleep. She naps so well and takes about three naps a day. AND she has even slept through the night twice already. Otherwise, it is just once at night. Have I mentioned that she is spoiling us?!

Lydie is so strong. She can roll over both directions from her tummy to her back and her head control gets better every day.

The absolute BEST thing that has happened with our little Lydie this month is her SMILES!!! Oh my goodness, she is the happiest little girl and freely gives us smiles all day long. The best ever!

Lydia is such a joy to be around. She is truly an angel baby and we love every single little bit of her!

Happy 2 Months baby girl!