Showing 68 Result(s)

First Lost Tooth

Lydia lost her first tooth! And she officially wins the award for being the youngest to lose a tooth! We’ve noticed a couple of wiggly teeth lately, but they weren’t wiggly enough to pull (or so we thought!). But then Mark looked over at Lydia and saw some blood coming out of her mouth and …


Rett Clinic

Two weeks ago, Lydia had an appointment at the Rett Clinic. We were so grateful we were able to get in when we did. It has been eighteen months since her last one and a lot has changed for her since then. This is a marathon of an appointment but it went so well! Making …


Lydia Rose

Time for a Lydia Appreciation Post! This girl. It is no secret that she is the light of our lives. I sometimes worry about writing things like that – I hope no one thinks we value one kiddo above another – but truly, we all adore Lydie and she is openly each of the kid’s …


EMU Stay

Last week, Lydia had her long awaited EMU stay (EMU stands for “Epilepsy Monitoring Unit”). I had been dreading this visit ever since I found out about it. I just felt uneasy about it. Here is how it went… ENT Before we were admitted to the hospital, Lydia had an appointment with a new doctor …


Life with Rett

October is Rett Syndrome Awareness month and it seems like a good time to give an update on all things with Lydie’s health from the past year. This last year has seen mountains and valleys. I remember speaking with a friend in April about how things were going really good with Lydie at the time. …