
International Day

A couple weeks ago we went to Rock Springs International Day! We are trying to get out a little bit more and see what our new community has to offer so we thought this would be a great event!

Fun Fact: Rock Springs’ nickname is the “Home of 56 Nationalities”.

SO…this is a day to celebrate the diverse heritage of the area. All of the different cultures are meant to be celebrated through food, exhibits, costumes and entertainment.

I am not going to lie – Mark and I were a little underwhelmed by this event. We maybe just hit it at a bad time but I just didn’t find very much to do or see. I didn’t feel like there were many vendors to browse through {to be fair it had rained a little earlier in the day so maybe some had packed up} and it mostly just looked like a whole lot of alcohol and since we are not alcohol drinkers there wasn’t a whole lot to offer.

By far, most of our time was watching the entertainment. They had some Native American dancers performing and that was really neat to watch. I thought it was really nice when they invited anyone who wanted to up to the stage to dance in a friendship circle.

Overall, I am not really sure if we will ever try and do this event again BUT it was fun to get out!