
New Years Eve

This was the fastest year of my life! Time really does go by quicker and quicker and I am trying my best to savor all of the moments.

Mark was working on New Years Eve and so it was just me and the kidlets. And we are definitely to a stage in life where I can’t just say it’s New Year’s at 9:00! Jacob and Sarah really wanted to stay up until midnight and so we did it!

We had our New Years feast and then Lydie headed to bed. Ben lasted until about 10:30 and the other kiddos didn’t go to bed until 12:45! We played games and watched some movies. I had to work on a puzzle to keep my mind and body awake 😜!

The tired (well, I’m tired!) midnight crew!

It was a fun, low-key kind of night. But we are excited to welcome a new year and can’t wait for all the fun, growth, and memories that we will make along the way!

(2) Comments

  1. Dixie Valentine says:

    Looks like fun and more fun. Because you take photos and write the story you will always have this memories.
    If you put that puzzle together in one day/evening I’m very impressed. Love Grandma

    1. Elise says:

      I am grateful for the memories. And NO! I wish I had put that puzzle together in one night! I had worked on it for a couple different nights. Mark and the kiddos are SO MUCH faster than I am at puzzles, in fact, that is one of my goals this year is to do a puzzle a month. Probably silly, but I like that it forces me to slow down πŸ˜‰

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