
Colorado Rockies

We have had the most wonderful spring. It has been cool and rainy and oh so pleasant {except the mosquitos!}. Mark has been wanting to take the kiddos to a Colorado Rockies game ever since we moved and he was finally able to this month. We’ve had afternoon thunderstorms nearly every day, but they had perfect weather and enjoyed a great game – even if the Rockies lost! Everyone had such a good time and I am so glad they were able to go.

While Mark and the older kiddos were gone, Lydie and I stayed home and canned strawberry jam and strawberry rhubarb jam and even squeezed in a walk! It was so sweet to have a day with Lydie to myself where we could just be together at home – which is both of our happy places.

(1) Comment

  1. […] we were talking and I was saying that they might be getting a little spoiled since they went to a Rockies game and the theater in just a couple days from each other. They all giggled and Sarah said in her […]

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