
Journal: June 18, 2023

Happy Sunday!

It shouldn’t come as too much as a surprise to hear that I have always enjoyed writing my story. But it goes beyond just enjoying it for me. I have felt the value of sharing your story when I have been inspired and uplifted from others. I have felt that from accounts from my own family history as well as just from history. I love reading biographies and learning about individuals. I have a box in my basement filled with journals from my growing up, teenage, and young adult years. However, I have had the same journal my entire married life. It does not get taken out much and that is because of this blog. I started our blog two weeks after Mark and I got married to stay in touch with family and it’s stuck. I’ve thought about stopping countless times. It is work. But each time I think about stopping, I remember how grateful I am for the words I have written over the years and the memories that have been preserved.

So throughout the years I have written about the highs and lows of our life and it is something I treasure. But for the last several months I have felt a growing desire to write about the more everyday moments. The things I would write about it my own personal journal.

Now, you might be thinking, “Elise, just get out your journal and write it then.” But each year I make a scrapbook from our blog for our family and I would like these every day moments to become part of that too. So I am going to try and do a regular-ish “journal” entry in our blog. Simply filled with the everyday of our lives.

Simply Joys

This peony is making me oh so happy. I love peonies. Their beauty never lasts long enough but oh I am grateful for them. Also, a couple weeks ago I noticed a bird making a nest in our wreath on our front door. Shortly after, we had four little eggs. Finally, this week – BABIES!


The Berning Schoolhouse is still in full swing. This year has been a doozy for our schedule. It is on my list the next week or two to dedicate some solid time to fine tuning our schedule next year. But the kids love the routine and each summer it does get easier and easier for me to be okay with being year round homeschoolers.

Ward Father’s Day Gifts

I completely forgot about Father’s Day for the ward! We had our main man covered (more on that to come), but I forgot about that responsibility for Relief Society. It was a late night, but Sarah and I were able to get it done. Goal – give more thought to this next year earlier than a week out!

Dentist Appointments

Every six months are family gets to take over our dental office for dentist appointments! This was the week! They each did so well – I think Sarah has finally gotten over her fear of the dentist so WOOT WOOT! We have been working really hard with Lydia the last several months to build up her ability to handle oral stimulation. Teeth brushing has been really difficult but we have seen a lot of growth. However, she was still not a fan of the dentist or hygienist doing much with her.

Lunch with Letha

I got to go to lunch with one of my besties. I love Letha so much and am so grateful to have her in my life. She is such a good friend to me and any time with her is time well spent.


There will be a WHOLE post dedicated to this amazing evening. It’s coming!

Imagination Station / OT

Jacob started a group therapy this week and it went really well. The group is called “Imagination Station” which we think is too fun because the name of the book series Jacob was obsessed with for years was called Imagination Station – so it must be meant to be! There are four kiddos in the group and Jacob is interested in it so we will see how it goes.

With that said, Jacob also “graduated” from OT this week. A couple weeks ago, I was talking with his therapist and we both agreed that we didn’t think Jacob really needed it anymore. OT has been so good for him and we are so sad to say goodbye to his therapist, Kristina. She has been such a blessing for Jacob and really helped give him some important tools to help him. Jacob had grown so much the last year and I couldn’t be more proud of him.

Koala Crate

Lydia continues to love her Koala Crate! It is quickly becoming one of my favorite times with her. She seems so engaged and it a really sweet time for us to spend with one another. This week we made barnyard puppets!


This was such an unexpected, amazing thing to happen! Thursday I got a call asking if we were going to be home that afternoon and if they could deliver Lydia’s new wheelchair! We didn’t even know it had been approved yet (even though we ordered it clear back in December). It is amazing! The one she has been using was a loaner from Shriners Hospital in Salt Lake, and while it has worked really well and been a huge blessing, we are so happy for Lydia to have one of her very own. It fits her a lot better than her old one and has some upgrades that we are pretty excited about. We were working in the yard when they came and delivered it, and we got her fitted right in the driveway. It was fun to have our neighbors even come out and be excited for Lydia’s new “rig”.

Atlas Crate

Jacob stated a new subscription this month (the company that did his watercolor kits stopped doing them) and so far he is really enjoying it. The “crate” he chose is all about geography and will spotlight a different country in the world. Since it was his first month, his crate was about the world as a whole and he has been enjoying it – though I can tell he is itching for a country one.

Little House on the Prairie

I introduced the kids to the Little House on the Prairie series and it was a WIN! Sarah and I have been reading the series and we are far enough into it now that I thought it would be fun to watch together. I love being able to find something we all enjoy watching together.

Neurology Call

On Friday, I got an unexpected phone call from Lydia’s neurologist. We our huge fans of Dr. B. around here. He was calling to talk about a new medication, gene therapy, and how Lydia’s seizure situation is going. There are a lot of thoughts and feelings about these topics that I don’t know if I want to get into them right now. But he gave me a lot to think about and lots of prayers going into decisions in Lydia’s future. We are so grateful for a doctor who treats Lydia like a “favorite” and takes such good care of our girl.

New Piano Level

Jacob “graduated” from his piano level books and he was so happy! I already shared how happy I am with Jacob and his piano playing at their spring recital – but I am just so proud of this boy.

Spring Showcase

Sarah had her Spring Showcase at her dance studio. A whole post will be coming for this beauty and her dancing.

Dress Ups

Sarah and Lydia love to play together. All of the normal activities – dolls, barbies, and babies. Basically, anything you can dress up and do hair. And sometimes, Sarah loves to make Lydia her “doll” and I don’t think Lydia is too upset about it (even though she looks like she might be in the picture 😉).