
2020 Berning Family Vacation

Once we hit our final day of the trip {usually our travel day home}, I get super antsy to pick our trip for the following year!

My favorite tradition lives on and we have picked our trip for 2020! AHHH! Also, is anyone else in complete denial that next year is 2020?! Holy smokes! How did that happen?!

As we snaked our way home through Montana and Idaho and then into Wyoming, we selected our trip for next year.

  • Mark – MINNESOTA
  • Jacob – WYOMING
  • Sarah – RHODE ISLAND
  • Benjamin – NEVADA
  • Lydia – NEW JERSEY

And the final drawing went to….


Photo by Quintin Gellar on

Little Lydie did it and her choice won out! Everyone is so excited! This will be the furthest east we have gone AND our first time on the eastern coast! We CAN’T wait!!!

Also, our niece is currently serving a church mission there and we are trying to figure out how we can go visit her! We’ve never been to New Jersey so send us ALL your recommendations!

(4) Comments

  1. Dixie Valentine says:

    New Jersey will certainly be a different in many ways. I’ve spent the last hour looking at the New Jersey website and there is a wide variety of places to explore. I lean more to the historical side. It will be a great adventure for your family.

    1. Elise says:

      We definitely lean a lot more towards the history side of things too! We are thinking we might even do Ellis Island in this trip, since technically you can get on the ferry to it in New Jersey – so we think it counts! 😉 I am really excited!

      1. Dixie Valentine says:

        I agree. Being a small state, it wouldn’t take long to cover the entire state.
        I was amazed at all of the cool places to went to in Idaho.
        You do such fun things and I could hardly wait for your next post and learn about the next interesting place you had been too. I can tell you do a lot of research.
        You are amazing!

        1. Elise says:

          Thanks, Grandma!

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