Life, Travel

The Journey Home

We traveled home from our great family trip!

I cannot tell you how much Mark and I love these family trips.  We look forward to them so much and see such a high value in them.  We talked this trip, as I think we have talked every trip, about how much we hope our kiddos appreciate them as much as we do.  We know right now they probably won’t remember the trips but we hope that when they do that they will see the value in them that we do.

Mark and I have always tried to be consistent in those things that we believe we should be doing as a family – to keep us close and to have the Spirit in our home.  And I believe that these kind of wholesome family activities are just as important.  Mark and I decided from the beginning that we really wanted to make whatever sacrifices we needed to to make sure that they happen every year.  I hope we always can.

This trip to North Dakota was great – it was a beautiful state and I am always surprised at how much I have loved every single trip we have taken {even the ones that everyone thinks will be boring}.  North Dakota had a definite beauty about it and I loved the big open spaces, the rolling hills, and all of the sunflower fields.  You were good to us ND!

I also REALLY love picking our state for the next year!  Since we missed last year, North Dakota has been on our minds for a LONG time!  So we were especially excited to get excited for a new place.  Of course, we had to go over the rules, and then we did our drawing.

Mark – Indiana

Elise – New York

Jacob – Louisiana

Sarah – Idaho

During the final drawing we picked…


We are so excited – none of us have ever been there before and that is apart of the country that is completely foreign to me!  We can’t wait!  Now we get to start thinking of planning!  YEA!  I almost love that part as much as the trip!

Pelican State here we come!