Life, Travel

Yellowstone Bear World

We checked out Yellowstone Bear World!

We had been to a park that was similar to this back in South Dakota on our family trip and even though the drive-around part was definitely better at the one we went to before I felt like they had so many other things as well that made it totally worth it. 

Jacob loved looking for the animals and his favorite were the bears!

After we drove around the park we parked and headed out for more fun.  They had three baby cubs in their own section and they were adorable.  Sarah loved the “babies!” and they were so sweet to look at.  They even have a program where you can sign up to bottle feed them which I wanted to do SO BAD but it was so expensive we decided we shouldn’t but someday I am definitely going to snuggle with one of those bear cubs!

They had a perfect little amusement ride section for our kiddos.  It was definitely more for young children and so was, therefore, perfect for us.  This part definitely was surprising for us.  Sarah is almost always the go-getter in our family and encourages Jacob in new situations where he tends to be more cautious.  But it was the complete opposite this time around!  Jacob LOVED all of the rides and could have spent the whole day going on them over and over!

The had a train, a bear tilt-a-whrl, a racecar ride that took you up and down, a mini roller coaster, and one of those rides that takes you up in the air and gradually drops you down.  Jacob loved them all!  We took Sarah on the train and the roller coaster and she was not a fan of either.  She was definitely very content to watch Jacob go on the rides and she would watch him happily and say “bye bye”.  

Another highlight was the petting zoo section.  They had deers {including the sweetest baby deer}, pigs, goats, chickens and ducks.  Another surprise was in this section.  Again, Jacob was all over this!  We have done petting zoo type of things before and he has never been interested in even touching them and he was so eager to feed them!  It was so much fun for me to watch him be so brave and love the experience.  The animals all loved him for the food and Mark got his shirt chewed on more than once from several goals – so overall a pretty successful trip!