
The Greatest Easter Story Ever Told

When I first heard Elder Stevenson’s talk in general conference – while it gave me pause to think – I was not anticipating the effect it would have on me in the coming week (and last several weeks really). He spoke of Easter. He drew attention to the First Presidency letter that invited us to give more reverence and respect to the events Easter celebrates and also that we would have more time to do that at home with our friends and family.

And it really made me ponder our Easter traditions. I love traditions and we have many (especially with regards to the holidays). But when I focused on our Easter traditions, I realized that I really didn’t have one solid Easter tradition as a family that was Christ-centered. Yes, we attend church as a family. Yes, we study Come, Follow Me as a family that week that focuses on the final week of Christ’s life. But I feel like we have been missing an opportunity to bring Christ more into this holiday.

As I looked around our home during the Easter season, I realized that while I decorate for Easter, everything is about bunnies and eggs. And when I thought about where I was investing my time and efforts – it was about Easter baskets, dying eggs, and egg hunts. And while those things are wonderful and we will continue to do them, I feel encouraged to do more. To shift my focus more on the Savior, not just on Easter Sunday, but throughout the Easter season.

I thought this quote was powerful by the New Testament scholar, N.T. Wright:

“We should be taking steps to celebrate Easter in creative new ways: in art, literature, children’s games, poetry, music, dance, festivals, bells, special concerts…This is our greatest festival. Take Christmas away, and in biblical terms you lose two chapters at the front of Matthew and Luke, nothing else. Take Easter away, and you don’t have a New Testament; you don’t have a Christianity.”

Elder Stevenson draws attention to the Easter story in scripture. And while we have this beautiful story shared in the New Testament, we have the gift of having it in the Book of Mormon as well. In there we have “the greatest Easter story ever told” as the Nephites get to touch the hands of our Savior and witness of His sacrifice.

From then on, Elder Stevenson focuses his attention on The Book of Mormon. He spoke that anytime we read the Book of Mormon, we can expect “remarkable outcomes”. He gave us an invitation to look at the Book of Mormon in news ways and ponder on the witness it gives of the resurrected Savior and the richness of doctrine found therein.

The Book of Mormon testifies of Christ powerfully. Elder Stevenson gives an incredible promise. He said:

“My dear brothers and sisters, studying regularly from this book about Jesus Christ will change your life. It will open your eyes to new possibilities. It will increase your hope and fill you with charity. Most of all, it will build and strengthen your faith in Jesus Christ and bless you with a sure knowledge that He and our Father know you, love you, and want you to find your way back home.”

I hope that I can be more intentional in my personal and our family traditions regarding Easter. And I pray that I can read and study the Book of Mormon and see Christ more in its pages. Because of Him, there is hope and peace for today and for eternity.


“The First Presidency letter was a wake-up call. Not only did they invite all of us to make sure our celebration of the most important event to ever happen on this earth – the Atonement and Resurrection of Jesus Christ – includes the reverence and respect the Lord deserves, but they also gave us more time with our families and friends on Easter Sunday to do so.

I observe a growing effort among Latter-day Saints toward a more Christ-centered Easter. This includes a greater and more thoughtful recognition of Palm Sunday and Good Friday as practiced by some of our Christian cousins. We might also adopt appropriate Christ-centered Easter traditions found in the cultures and practices of countries worldwide.

In addition to the important verses about Easter in the New Testament, we as Latter-day Saints are endowed with a most remarkable Easter gift!…The Book of Mormon and, more specifically, to the account of Jesus Christ appearing to inhabitants in the New World in His resurrected glory.

This Easter, our family is going to focus on the first 17 verses of 3 Nephi 11.

In reality, the Book of Mormon shares the greatest Easter story ever told. Let it not be the greatest Easter story never told.

Anytime we read and study from the Book of Mormon, we can expect remarkable outcomes.

We cannot stand as witnesses of Jesus Christ until we can bear witness of Him. The Book of Mormon is another witness of Jesus Christ because throughout its sacred pages, one prophet after another testifies not only that Christ would come but that He did come.

More than any other [book] ever published on this earth, [the Book of Mormon], bears witness of the life, the ministry, the teachings, the Atonement, and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. My dear brothers and sisters, studying regularly from this book about Jesus Christ will change your life. It will open your eyes to new possibilities. It will increase your hope and fill you with charity. Most of all, it will build and strengthen your faith in Jesus Christ and bless you with a sure knowledge that He and our Father know you, love you, and want you to find your way back home.

No book does more to show that:

  • Because of Jesus Christ, everything changed.
  • Because of Him, everything is better.
  • Because of Him, life is manageable – especially the painful moments.
  • Because of Him, everything is possible.

His visit as a resurrected Savior, introduced by God the Father, is a most glorious and triumphant Easter message. It will help our family members gain a personal testimony of Jesus Christ as our Savior and Redeemer, who broke the bands of death.

I close with my testimony of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon and of Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God.”

FULL text and video of Elder Gary E. Stevenson’s message can be found HERE.

Other messages from the April 2023 General Conference that I have found particularly impactful:

In addition, if you click on the “FAITH” tab you will find all of the messages I have done throughout the years.