Faith, Life

The Doctrine & Covenants

Last year, I asked each member of the family to write their testimonies of the Book of Mormon (it is what we studied last year). It was an instant treasure to me. So I had to do it again this year – this time, with the focus on the Doctrine and Covenants.

BEN: I think it is good to read the scriptures. I think it’s good to say prayers. I think its good to be a family. Being nice is good and helping others if they need help. Loving each other. And being prepared for when Jesus comes again. Playing games with each other and being happy. And sharing your toys.

SARAH: I think it’s good to learn about what Joseph Smith went through. I think it’s good to learn about how we should be doing. I think it’s good to learn how we can be together and be happy. I love that families can be together forever.

JACOB: I’m grateful that the pioneers were able to build the temple. And that Joseph Smith was very brave even though people were trying to kill him. I like learning about the Doctrine and Covenants.

ELISE: Studying the Doctrine and Covenants this last year has been exactly what my spirit needed. This year has felt incredibly heavy at times but I have felt a great deal of peace in learning about the early Saints. I am in awe at their faith and resilience. It has been especially humbling to read and study the stories of my ancestors that lived through those challenging times. It has given my the strength to try and approach my trials with the same kind of faith. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God. I know that through him, the Lord revealed many beautiful eternal truths. I am especially grateful for the knowledge of eternal families. I am grateful for living prophets who continue to lead and guide the restored Church of Jesus Christ and I am forever grateful to be a small part of it and hope that I can continue the legacy of faith shown by those who have gone before me.

MARK: I am grateful for the early pioneers and for the sacrifices they made. The Doctrine & Covenants gives incredible insight into the early times of the church and of Joseph Smith and others that were around him. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet. I am grateful for the sacrifices he made to lead and guide the church in the early years. There are many truths and doctrines that were clarified and expounded upon by his search for truth and enlightenment. I am amazed by his faithfulness and dedication. I am also grateful to the leaders that helped him and to those that came after him. I know that the prophets who came after him were guided by a loving Heavenly Father to direct the church. I know that Jesus Christ directs the church through His prophets and I am grateful to live in a day where we can listen to a living prophet and be guided to follow His will.

(1) Comment

  1. Dixie Valentine says:

    Love the photo of the kids. The thoughts the kids shared were amazing. You and Mark are teaching them well.

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