Faith, Life

The Book of Mormon

2020 had it’s fair share of downs, but studying The Book of Mormon was definitely not one of them! The last couple years I have tried to put a conscious effort into consistently being in the scriptures and the last two years, with Come Follow Me, has been incredible.

I want to be in the scriptures. It has transformed into something I know I need to do to something I genuinely WANT to do. I yearn for that time in the scriptures and it has filled my spirit. This last year had so many things draining “my bucket” so-to-speak, and being in the scriptures was always a guarantee re-fill. I am so grateful to have the word of God. I am so grateful that I can truthfully say that I know what it means to feast on the scriptures.

This last year, our family studied The Book of Mormon. It was incredible. The kids always ask such insightful questions and it is humbling to teach these incredible spirits.

As we finished our study a couple weeks ago, I asked the kids if they would share their testimonies. So here are their words, exactly as they said them.


“I believe in Jesus. I pray for the Holy Ghost. I will pray for Heavenly Father to hold me. And I am grateful for my family. And I am thankful for the Holy Ghost.”


“I know the church is true and I know that Jesus is true. And I know that the Book of Mormon is true and I know the scriptures are true. I believe in the Holy Ghost. And I believe in Heavenly Father. And I’m grateful for my family. And I am grateful for my friends.”


“I know the Book of Mormon is true. When I read it, I feel happy. I believe in Jesus and in the church.”

Mark and I wanted to share what we know to be true as well. We love this gospel and the true joy and peace it brings to our lives. If you would like to learn more or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.


“I remember one of the first strong experiences of when I knew the Book of Mormon was true. I was in the MTC in Lima, Peru. As it turned out, I was the only Elder from North America in my group and we were there for six weeks. There were only four of us in our group, three sisters and I. Missionaries to Peru were having visa troubles, so we were the only four to go down in that transfer. Groups left every three weeks, so the group in front of me left at the three week mark in the morning, and the next day the next group was to arrive. We were just the four of us missionaries for the whole day. It was an interesting day and very different as there weren’t many people around. We even got to go with one of the MTC staff to the church headquarters (or Lima mission headquarters, I forget) in Lima, as well as go to one of the main shopping areas where he bought us ice cream and a drive by the beach. It felt very different as it got late and it was time to wind down for the day. I was all by myself on the Elder’s side of the MTC. It was a very odd and lonely feeling. I happened to be reading in Moroni at the time. I remember reading about him being alone and wandering around by himself. I remember as I was all by myself in a place that was usually very noisy and overrun with missionaries, being very contemplative of what I was reading. I was overcome by the spirit and in that moment I had a very special connection with Moroni’s circumstance as he was wandering the land by himself and writing his last thoughts in the Book of Mormon. I knew what Moroni was writing truly happened and that he was inspired to write by the spirit. I know that all the writings of the prophets in the Book of Mormon are true. I am grateful for their teachings and guidance. I know that they can help anyone, in any position, come closer to Jesus Christ. I am sure of it.”


“Whenever I think about my feelings about The Book of Mormon I am instantly reminded of the moment when my testimony was planted. I remember feeling bad as a young child because I never stood up to bear my testimony. I remember watching child after child stand and bear their testimonies and I never did. I wondered if I was just scared (which I definitely was), but the more I thought about it, the more I wondered if I HAD a testimony. I remember feeling embarrassed because I felt like I should and that maybe something was wrong with me. I didn’t know what to do, but remembered being taught what Joseph Smith did when he was searching for answers. He read the scriptures and prayed. So I began to read The Book of Mormon and praying if it was true. I am sure I wasn’t perfect in doing it every day. But I read and prayed for a LONG time, months…and I never felt anything. I was waiting for that burning I was sure “should” happen, but it wasn’t. My little twelve year old heart began to wonder if, in fact, it was true. And then one night, everything changed. I still remember everything about it. I was reading in Alma, chapter 36, verse 3. I don’t know why this scripture, but when I read it I was completely overcome. I felt my chest burn within me and I began to cry and knew without any doubt, that what I was reading came from God. I knew that The Book of Mormon was truly another testament of Christ. And I knew that if that was true, that Joseph Smith was truly a Prophet of God. And if that was true, then I really do have a Father in Heaven who knows me. And I have a Savior who has atoned for me and given me the opportunity to repent and live with my family forever. Giant ripples of knowledge and truth quickly came out that night. And it was all because of The Book of Mormon. That moment has stayed with me my entire life. It wasn’t a vision like Joseph had, but it was powerful to me. I cannot deny what I felt that night. It is permanently etched into my being and I am eternally grateful. I have had countless other experiences confirming the truthfulness of all of those things, but I will never forget this one that started them all. And I will be forever grateful for the gift that it was for me, and changing my life forever.”

(3) Comments

  1. Dixie Valentine says:

    Thank You for sharing. Very touching.

  2. Dixie Valentine says:

    Adorable photo of the children.

    1. Elise says:

      Thank you 💛

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