Thanksgiving this year was one of the very best. The whole week leading up to Thanksgiving was special and perfect. The kids and I did a “gratitude tree” and it was so sweet and tender to see what they were grateful for.
And all week, all I could think about was how beautiful my life is. I have been so very blessed. I have a husband who loves, encourages, and supports me. He is patient with me and my many faults. And I have the privilege of being the mother to four of the most wonderful little people. I love them so much. They truly are my entire world and all that I need.
And there were so many moments this week where I just kept thinking, “this is the sweet spot.” This time, right now, together as a family. I wish it could last forever. Each of the kids are at such special ages and times and I want to keep them exactly how they are, and yet I am so excited for the future for them.
So this year I am thankful for them. My people. And I am grateful for a Savior, who loves me, despite my many shortcomings. Who keeps His arms outstretched to me, time and time again. I am grateful for this time. I want to remember every moment of it.