Elder Ulisses Soares’ messages seem to be just what my spirit needs. He has a way of teaching that touches my spirit and this General Conference was no different. He spoke of spiritual submissiveness. This is a topic that I have had my own wrestle with through a lot of my adult life. I feel …
Welcome to the Church of Joy
Elder Patrick Kearon has become a quick favorite of mine. I am grateful for his tender spirit and messages. His latest message was about joy and worship. And while I enjoyed it the first time I heard it, it was one of those that really caused me to ponder when I read and studied it …
The Triumph of Hope
Elder Neil L. Andersen shared such a powerful message on hope. Hope is such an incredible feeling and gift. Sadly, I think it is one of those gifts we don’t really appreciate until feelings of hopelessness creep into our life. Then we see it for all of its goodness. I know in my life, feelings …
The Lord Jesus Christ Will Come Again
General Conference Another six months has come and gone and we were able to have the privilege of hearing from our Prophet, Apostles and other leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ again. It’s one of my very favorite weekends. As always, (but maybe even more so this conference) the messages and testimonies were focused …
Conference Study
As I am preparing for another weekend of goodness listening to a living Prophet, Apostles, and other leaders, I am reflecting on what I have learned from this last conference and the months that have followed. Invitations The invitations. My list for change. Promises Promises from our leaders are so powerful. Always look for the …
Put Ye On the Lord Jesus Christ
Throughout my whole study of General Conference the last five months, my mind has kept going back to this message from Sister J. Anette Dennis, Put Ye On the Lord Jesus Christ. She spoke of covenants and symbols. I was particularly drawn to her thoughts on symbols in the gospel. I feel like those that …
The Powerful, Virtuous Cycle of the Doctrine of Christ
The message given by Elder Dale G. Renlund this spring instantly pulled me in and was a highlight of General Conference for me. He touched on many topics, but the one that really resonated with me was endurance. He shared a story about when he and his family were in Hawaii on kayaks and he …
Jesus Christ at the Center of Our Lives
This message from Elder Jose L. Alonso, of the Seventy, was one I needed to hear. His message is His testimony of our Savior. It is simple and beautiful. I am not going to give commentary on his message. It speaks for itself. But I will share my testimony. I know my life is infinitely …
“Be Still, and Know That I Am God”
This message from Elder David A. Bednar was one that I very much needed to hear. He spoke of something my mind and spirit are in desperate search of lately, an inner spiritual stillness. I am in a busy stage of life. And it’s not my favorite. I know some people thrive and love it …
Covenant Confidence through Jesus Christ
Elder Ulisses Soares’ messages are always filled with doctrine. I have learned that his messages are ones that I need to read and re-read because there is so much depth in them. There were two paragraphs in particular in his most recent message that are bursting with promise and truth. Elder Soares spoke of covenants …