Showing 25 Result(s)

Memorial Day

We had such a great Memorial Day! We kicked things off with a yummy breakfast and I loved having a slower morning. Once we got everything cleaned up and ready for the day, we made our way to the cemetery. The kids were anticipating and looking forward to this and I love that it has …



Lydia had another research appointment down in Denver and so we decided to take the whole family down this time and make an outing out of it! Lydia was a champ and did so well (as always). And our other kiddos are such troopers and have spent way too much of their young lives hanging …


Flying Kites

Sarah chose to fly kites for our family’s spring bucket list. We had been waiting for the right day with the right conditions. I don’t know if we succeeded in this but we gave it a go! It was pretty gusty – we would have these strong winds and then it would just die. It …


Baby Animals Days

One of our spring bucket list items was to visit some baby animals and we DID IT! Mark was all about the pigs – who may or may not tried to eat Lydia’s wheelchair through the fence. The kids were all obsessed with “Bunny” the rabbit. Ben thought the goats were hilarious as they tried …


Ice Skating

Winter Bucket List ✔ I cannot remember if I wrote about this – but when we were celebrating the winter solstice in December our family made a Winter Bucket List. We have never done this before but we are LOVING it! We each picked one thing we wanted to do this winter. It has been …


County Fair

Lydia’s therapy has an incredible arrangement with our county fair to give two hours to families who need a little bit of help with sensory overload. For two hours, the fair is open to them (FREE!) where the sounds and lights are turned off on all of the rides. They had face painting, bounce houses, …



It has been a couple months since we have gone down to the Nature and Science Museum and it felt great to be back! They had a great “Bugs” exhibit and we LOVED it. Mark said he thought it was maybe the best traveling exhibit we have seen. And I would have to agree. It …

Life, Schoolhouse

Denver Zoo

We were so excited to make our way to the zoo this last month! We had planned to go in March but then COVID happened and here we are! The main reason for this particular visit was to celebrate finishing our “Reptiles, Amphibians, and Fish” unit in science for Jacob and Sarah. I will say …


Unseen Oceans

In February, our family fun was to head down to Denver to explore the Unseen Oceans exhibit at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. We love this place so much. This exhibit was so fun and interactive. The kids had an absolute blast exploring all of the different nooks and crannies!