
Splash Pad

Our poor kiddos have been so cooped up this summer. Since we bought a new build home we do not have a yard – and it is killing me! I am feeling a little cooped up and I know the kiddos are definitely feeling it.

We finally got out of the house a little bit and headed to the splash pad. One thing I will say is Rock Springs has some great parks! I’ve been really impressed with them.

To beat the heat we headed over to the splash pad one afternoon. The splash pad wasn’t quite as exciting as the pile of rocks though! Benjamin pretty much headed straight for them and stayed there the entire time. What a kid! The other kids eventually ended up over there with him as well.

This is how much Lydia enjoyed the splash pad!
Sarah getting in touch with her inner Ariel!

Who needs squirting water when you can have a pile of rocks, right?!