
Sarah’s 8th Birthday

Our little Sarah girl. She is light and joy and goodness and patience and love and we were so happy to celebrate her on this very special birthday. I think possibly my favorite thing Sarah said about her birthday is this: “I’m kind of glad my birthday is on a Sunday. That way it can be a quiet and holy day.”

Flower Party

Now that we are closer to a Costco they kiddos have completely embraced “Costco Muffins”! Sarah requested them for her birthday breakfast. We then went to Stake Conference and had a relaxing and peaceful afternoon. Sarah requested white chicken chili with rolls and a black chocolate cake.

We are lovingly calling the cake the “Sleeping Beauty” cake because it slowly started falling to the side, before it eventually just fell over. This was the tallest cake I’ve ever made (4 layers!) but I thought with it being a smaller width I would be able to get away without dowels – lesson learned – dowels needed. Luckily, Sarah laughed it off l and we just ate what we could – and it was DELISH!

We opened presents and cards and called it a night!

Sarah’s birthday fell at the tail end of everyone being sick. So a couple days later, Sarah decided that for her special birthday activity she wanted to go to the Denver Nature and Science Museum. Sarah loves this place. We spent most of our time checking out the Mazes and Brain Games exhibit and then Sarah wanted to go to Expedition Health {easily her favorite exhibit}. We loved doing all of her favorite things and spending time together.

MVP of this day – coming off of seven night shifts!
Ben was “relaxing” as he played the brain game with Sarah

Afterwards, we picked up some Chili’s to go and ate dinner – picnic style – while watching Relative Race, per Sarah’s request. It was fun and different and memorable!

Our Eight Year Old Girl

Sarah’s Favorites

  • What is your favorite thing to do? Drawing
  • Do you have any nicknames? Sarah Sue
  • What do you want to be when you grow up? Ballerina
  • What is your favorite thing to do with family? Play games
  • What makes you happy? Lydie
  • What do you like to learn about? Animals
  • What do you do really well? Drawing
  • If you had a million dollars what would you buy? A dance studio
  • What is your favorite thing to do outside? Play at the park
  • If you could go anywhere where would you go? China
  • If you could have one wish, what would it be? For Jesus to come back
  • What was your favorite birthday present? Skip rope
  • Food: Orange rolls and strawberries
  • Holiday: Christmas
  • Book: Imagination Station series
  • Toy: Stuffed animals
  • Treat: Chocolate brownies and ice cream
  • Animal: Flamingo
  • Movie / Show: The Sorcerer’s Apprentice / Relative Race
  • Color: Pink

Ever since the moment I saw Sarah, I knew she was special. Sarah just has a way about her. She is filled with light. And she is growing up. I know that eight is still young, but it feels like we are crossing into new territory. I am so excited to watch her grow. Sarah is always surprising me in wonderful ways and the future is bright for her.

One of my favorite things about Sarah is watching her with her siblings. I truly hope they know how lucky they are to have her. Sarah and Jacob have always had a special connection. She is endlessly patient with him and his needs. Sarah and Benjamin have a very playful relationship and Sarah is so good to help him be included. And Sarah and Lydia have the best tea parties together and Sarah loves to read to her.

A trait that I love of Sarah is she has this internal desire to follow the Savior. She asks wonderful, thought-provoking gospel questions. She surprises me with her personal desire to pray and study the scriptures. I feel like I am getting a front row seat to her developing and growing testimony and its a beautiful thing to see.

Sarah is SOCIAL! She loves to be around others. Sarah loves her Primary activities, ballet class, and co-op. I love watching her connect with those around her.

Sarah continues to love dresses. She has very strong opinions about what she wears! Another funny Sarah-ism is she is very indecisive. Getting Sarah to tell me her “favorites” was HARD! Sarah does not like rain at night. Sarah loves to read. She is our night owl and will stay up late into the night reading. I can’t keep up with her and her love for books!

I love Sarah. I love how she still immediately grabs my hand when we walk next to each other. I love how she is an optimist. I love her selflessness. I love her willingness to lift those around her.

Sarah, we love you. Having you as our daughter is one of the biggest joys of our life. Thank you for filling our home with your light and letting us learn from you. We love you forever, sweet girl.

The Eight

(3) Comments

  1. Scott Clegg says:

    There are not words adequate to describe our love for Sarah. She is a gift from Heaven. A child of God. An example to all of us.

    1. Elise says:

      Agreed 💛💛💛

  2. […] children, especially Sarah. Sarah was so willing to spend the morning here before heading to her birthday activity at the museum. They were all incredibly patient (we were not a fast moving group!) as we slowly […]

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