
{RECAP} June 2019 Schoolhouse

This has been a flexible month with school. With little Lydie joining us at the end of May we have been adapting to being a family of SIX and letting school happen when it happens.

We are trying to wrap up some of our work from the school year. I love year round schooling but I was hoping to do some more relaxed summer school but we will see what happens with that. So far, we are still playing a bit of catch up. That’s okay though! That’s life and, like I said at the beginning, we are being flexible.

Language Arts

Jacob and I are getting so close to finishing up for the year. This month, Jacob took what should have been a simple project and really gone to town with it. If I am being honest, there is a part of me that really just wants to push through and get it done but I’ve tried to just let him go with it and am {trying} to be patient on my side.

We have been reading the Christian Liberty Nature Reader Book 1 together and Jacob has been journaling and illustrating a book about all of his favorite things he is learning about. He is loving it and that’s what’s important.

We are also reviewing some spelling that we covered this year.


Jacob absolutely LOVES math! It’s his favorite subject and I love the positive attitude that he has with it. Jacob is really enjoying our new math level and it’s been fun to see him be stretched a little more.

This month we covered: counting two more (up to 20), the octagon, two less, fact families, plus two fact families and making ten.


Jacob is SO CLOSE to finishing up handwriting. He should finish this next week. Jacob has always had really good penmanship but I love that he gets this extra practice.

Read Alouds

This month we read Over the Hills to Nugget by Aileen Fisher. This was such a sweet book. It was an easy read but filled with goodness. We are now reading our last read aloud for the year, Abigail Adams by Jean Brown Wagoner. We read Martha Washington earlier this year by the same author for history and I think the series is so wonderful. I love that you get to learn about these important people as children.


We are also wrapping up Sarah’s preschool curriculum for the year. This is so easy peasy for her but it gives her some special time with Mom which is a good thing!

We finished up her pig unit about truthfulness and the color pink. Of course, she loved it because it was all PINK!

Now we are working on her last unit – the koala unit! It is all about doing your best and persevering and the color grey.


We finished up our last science unit of the year. We have really enjoyed the safety unit. It was short but covered a lot of really important topics.

This month we learned about kitchen and cooking safety as well as the internet and peer pressure. My kids haven’t ever had access to the internet yet so I tweeked this lesson a little bit but we still reviewed it. I love how this unit gave a great framework for a lot of great discussions about serious topics.

It feels really nice to be finished with science and I can’t wait to start fresh next year!


We are in our last unit of history and are really enjoying it! We have learned about Queen Victoria and the British Empire, the Victorian Period, the foreign missionary movement, Charles Darwin, George Stephenson, Florence Nightingale, the Great Irish Famine, the history of flight, and the Cold War {the Berlin Blockade, rebellion and resistance}.

It’s been awesome! We should also finish this unit up this next week!

Wrap Up

As much as we are enjoying all that we are learning I feel like we are all anxious for a little break from our normal. Which is why I was so excited to do some summer school. I had a fun unit planned and I am hoping this next month we can get to it!