
Preschool Curriculum

Sarah and I are BOTH getting so excited for this upcoming year. She is such a smart little cookie and is so ready for MORE! I know that she could probably handle WAY more than I am giving her this year but I just don’t see any reason to push her too far too fast.

So here is what we are using for Sarah’s second year of preschool:

The Peaceful Preschool

The Peaceful Preschool is a 26-week program which is outlined to spotlight one letter each week. We are modifying this to our needs but are really excited to see how it goes!

The Good and the Beautiful Language Arts Pre-K Course

We will be doing The Good and the Beautiful Language Arts Level Pre-K in addition to The Peaceful Preschool. We used this program with Jacob and it’s beautiful and so perfect for this age. I can’t wait to have this be our first “bookwork” experience for Sarah.


The Good and the Beautiful Handwriting Workbook Level K


Come, Follow Me – New Testament

We’ve been doing this as our “family study” as we call in all of 2019. It has been absolutely beautiful and has changed our home. I LOVE IT. Jacob and Sarah each have their own New Testament and are making a book with some of the supplementary stuff we use from The Red Headed Hostess.

We are so excited for this upcoming year! As I said, Sarah has been begging for more “work” and so she is thrilled for what this new year will bring. Let’s go PRESCHOOL!