
Power of the Covenant Path

Lydia was asked to give a talk in Primary. At first, I must admit, I really didn’t know what to do. I was grateful that they wanted to include Lydie but unsure about how to help her with this. I asked Sarah if she would help Lydia and she was thrilled! This talk was tender and emotional and I don’t think I will ever forget it.

“This is my little sister, Lydia, and today I am going to help her give her talk. Lydia has a condition called Rett Syndrome. Not very many people have this and it makes life different for Lydia. Lydia has a hard time walking, using her hands, eating, breathing, and talking. She uses her eyes to talk – which is pretty cool! But because of these things, she is different from most people. But something that Lydia has taught me is that we are all different – and different is great! Some people are different on the outside and some people are different on the inside – but we are all unique and that is a wonderful thing.

Lydia is a really good example to me. She makes our home a special place because her spirit is so strong. When Lydia listens to songs about Jesus, she gets really happy and claps her hands. Lydia loves Jesus very much. This week our family talked about Jesus getting baptized. We listened to the song, “Baptism“. In the song it says,

Jesus came to John the Baptist,
In Judea long ago,
And was baptized by immersion
In the River Jordan's flow.  

I am grateful for the covenants we get to make. I know that when we make and keep those covenants we feel the power of Jesus Christ in our lives. I know that even though Lydia hasn’t made those promises yet, she can still feel Jesus in her life. I love Lydia and I am happy I am her sister.

And I say these things, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.”

(1) Comment

  1. Scott Clegg says:

    Thank you for sharing this most special talk that Sarah gave on Lydie’s behalf. I understand why it affected so many in your ward in such a positive way.

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