
Lydia’s 1st Month

This little lady has been with us one full month and I CANNOT believe it! Lydia is slowly growing. She was our smallest baby and she is continuing the trend. We are in percentiles we have never seen before! When Lydia was born she was 6 pounds 9 ounces (18%) and was 19 inches in …


Lydia’s Birth Story

As the time for baby sister’s arrival approached I began to feel a little anxious about the delivery – this was a new thing for me! Plus, I was getting concerned more and more about GETTING to the hospital to have the baby. Because we moved late in my pregnancy we decided we wanted to …



Mark and I were able to spend an amazing – FULL – long weekend in Chicago – JUST THE TWO OF US! This was Mark and I’s first time in the windy city and we had such a good time!  If you want to read more about our trip – check out these posts! Day …