
Lydia’s 8th Month

Oh this sweet girl. We love her so very much. She brings everyone so much joy .

Lydia grew a lot this month. She is now 17 pounds 4 ounces (39%) and is 26 3/4 inches in length (41%).

We are just moving her up to nine month size clothes.

She is eating well and is finally not gushing formula while having her bottle. We are not really sure why, but she has had the hardest time drinking. She would just saturate her burp cloth during feedings but she is finally just dribbling a little and we will take it!

She is still taking two naps a day, each about an 1 1/2 to 2 hours.

Speaking of sleep, geez, that has been such a rough go. Lydia’s sleep has never been very good. She gets up a lot. At night, Mark or I have had to go in probably 3-5 times every night. It’s been exhausting. We keep thinking it’s going to change and she will turn a corner and it is just not happening.

We’ve tried every sleeping trick we have accumulated after having three other children, and we are at a lost. We feel like a couple of newbies again! We have made a new plan and hopefully we will see some progress so we can ALL get some better sleep around here.

Lydia is babbling a lot more and we love to hear her sweet voice. She really is such a content little baby. She also is starting to give little kisses which basically involve her opening her mouth on your cheek and sucking/licking. If it were any one else it would be pretty disgusting, but she can give me her baby kisses all day long!

Lydia continues to do her physical therapy every two weeks. I am being 100% honest when I say she is not a fussy baby at all but she really dislikes physical therapy. She screams pretty much the whole time we are there. It’s hard.

We’ve had some good news and some not-so-good news. Her head is growing nicely and consistently each appointment and our physical therapist feels like it is very unlikely that she will need a helmet. We are grateful for that. And hope that will continue to be the case.

The not-so-good news is this. Lydia is not reaching the physical milestones that she needs to be. She is finally becoming less floppy with her head and has much more control. But she is still completely unable to sit up independently for any measure of time. She can roll over but does not do it consistently. It’s been difficult.

Basically she just needs to make some significant progress in the next little bit. She could just have a more lazy personality and that is why she is taking longer to reach these milestones or it could be something else at play that is causing her to be delayed.

We are trying our best to stay positive and have faith that no matter what path Lydia is on, we do not walk it alone.

So happy eight months, baby girl. We are rooting for you.