
Lydia’s 4th Month

I cannot believe how much this little lady is growing up! It happens so fast and if there is a way to slow it down – please let me know!

They were pretty concerned about Lydia’s growth the first two months of her life but she has rallied and is doing completely fine now! She weighs 12 pounds 10 ounces (29%) and is 23.5 inches in length (23%).

She is still in three month size clothes and takes a 4 – 5 ounce bottle five to six times a day.

Lydia is getting stronger. She is still a little more wobbly than I feel like she should be with her head control but we are getting there – although she is not a huge fan of tummy time and oftentimes will just roll over by herself!

She is definitely starting to grab onto things a lot more. She is a big fan of grabbing onto my hair and usually ends up with a descent amount of hair in her wee little hands {thank you postpartum hormones and Lydie for the loss of my hair!}. She continues to love to suck on her fist and it is pretty adorable.

Lydia is oh so sweet when she gets swaddled. She gets this big grin on her face like she knows what’s coming. She really is, generally, such a happy little baby.

I will admit though, our perfect little angel did reveal a flaw this last month… SLEEP! Oh my stars I have no idea what happened! She has been really difficult to sleep the last several weeks. She would only nap if she was being held and she was waking up several times a night for long stretches of time.

Once we got back from our trip, we started doing some sleep training with her and her naps have become awesome once again but she is seriously struggling at night. Let’s just say, as I write this, I am running on two hours of sleep {uggggg….}.

Despite our lack of sleep, Lydia wins us over every day with her sweet, gentle spirit and we love her so much! Happy Four Months, baby girl.

(2) Comments

  1. Dixie Valentine says:

    She has such a sweet smile and gorgeous eyes. A sweetie for sure.

    1. Elise says:


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