
Lydia Rose

Time for a Lydia Appreciation Post!

This girl. It is no secret that she is the light of our lives. I sometimes worry about writing things like that – I hope no one thinks we value one kiddo above another – but truly, we all adore Lydie and she is openly each of the kid’s “favorite”.

Lydia is a light. She has a smile that could soften anyone’s heart. I love her space-y toothy grin.

She is getting SO BIG. Well, maybe not big – but definitely TALL! It never fails to shock me during physical therapy when they have her stand up and I see how tall she is. She is growing up and I am in complete denial that she is going to be five next year. Time goes by so quickly.

I feel like Lydia has been more giggly lately and we are all HERE for it! We love it so much. Our biggest prayer is that Lydie is comfortable and happy. And I am so grateful that she lets us know that in her own way.

Speaking of happy – Lydia’s happy place – HOME. It has become really apparent to me the last couple of months that Lydia’s favorite place is home. She is such a different girl when she is home with just our family. I am so very grateful that our home is her happy place (it’s mine too, sis).

A BIG new thing for Lydie is that she just got her AAC device last week! Maybe that needs it’s own post – but here I go! It is a way for her to communicate with her eyes on a really fancy iPad. She is doing so well with it and while we all have a long way to go in getting to the “communicating” part – she is loving the games (and MUSIC!) and it is exciting to see her grow. This has been such a long time in the making and we can’t wait to see what doors it opens for Lydie in the future.

We love you, sweet girl. Thank you for being ours.