Life, Travel

Journey to Medora

We are so excited to FINALLY get another family trip under our belt.  We started our trek to North Dakota late one night.  We didn’t leave until 7ish because we were waiting for Mark to get off of work and load the car and the like.  We drove to Rawlins, Wyoming just to give us a couple hours head start.  We rolled into Rawlins a little before 11 and we were all pretty pooped!

The next morning we tried to get a semi-early start and got on the road by about 8:30.  It was so cold!  We were not prepared for it!  Luckily, we were just driving the whole day but it made for an interesting lunch.  We were mostly driving on random little “highways” in Wyoming and Montana and it was pretty rare to see a rest stop or a town for that matter.  So we stopped on some random pullout on the side of the road and hunkered down.

We always do picnic lunches for our family trips and we started our trip with one in the trunk of our car.  It was a chilly 43 degrees with a NASTY wind – we just couldn’t imagine doing it outside!

I still can’t believe we did it, but we fit all four of us, including my ever-growing belly, into the trunk of our car.  We had to pull out all of our suitcases and just line them up next to the car outside.  We were quite a sight!  It was actually really hilarious and we all had a good laugh throughout lunch.  We couldn’t find our plastic utensils to make the sandwiches so I had to make them with my finger.  Yep, my finger.  The whole experience was so funny and it was definitely something I don’t think we will forget anytime soon!


We finally rolled into Medora – our first stop in North Dakota – around 6:00 PM.  We were all excited to REALLY begin our trip the next day.  Theodore Roosevelt National Park here we come!