
Jacob Scott

Oh Jacob Scott. You are growing up way too fast. I feel like I blinked and you have just become this amazing young man.

I love how much you love learning. You have completely taken charge of your learning and I love it. You start all of your learning on your own each day and are completely self motivated. I am in awe of you.

You have become the best helper. The last couple months, you ask me several times a day if there is anything you can do to help me. You make sure I am taken care of and I love that about you.

Speaking of taking care of people, you made a goal to spend one hour of quality time a day with your little sister. What ten year old does that?! You do, and I adore you for it.

I love watching you push yourself. For years you have struggled to be confident on a bike, but after watching your brother and sister learn, you did it! Even though it was hard for you – YOU DID IT! You can do hard things, bud. I know it because I’ve seen you do it time and time again.

Your creativity continues to inspire me. You love to make books where you do the illustrations and write things you have learned. You are excellent at drawing and watercoloring. You truly have a gift.

Jacob, you are so very loved.

(2) Comments

  1. Scott Clegg says:

    Jacob is a gift to your family and our greater Clegg family. My heart is tender as I read how Jacob cares for Lydie and his mother. I love him, my dear grandson.

    1. Elise says:

      He is such a wonderful boy 🥰

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