
Jacob Scott

The world feels a little heavy right now and I am so grateful to turn my thoughts and attention to this little man…Jacob Scott.

The truth is, Jacob is becoming less a little man and more a bigger man every day. I cannot believe how quickly he is growing up. One thing that I am loving and appreciating so much about Jacob is how sweet and innocent he still is.

His favorite thing is to play with his stuffed animals. He comes up with all sorts of stories and activities for them to do and I love it. He is in no rush to grow up and I am grateful for that.

Jacob surprises me with his sensitivity sometimes. He surprises me because he doesn’t show his sensitive side very often and not in the “usual” way.

For example, earlier this week we felt we should talk to the kids about the “sickness” that is going on and how it is affecting others and how it is affecting the behavior of our family in ways {canceling some upcoming trips and other activities our kids and family participate in}. Jacob seemed upset/angry when we were talking about it and seemed to be upset the rest of the night.

Later, when I went to tuck him into bed I asked him if he was upset about anything. He wouldn’t talk for awhile but eventually his bottom lip started to quiver and tears welled up in his eyes as he said he didn’t understand why we couldn’t do certain things because of the “sickness”. We were able to have a really good conversation about everything and it ended with us making a list of all of the fun things we could do at home together.

He is sensitive.

Jacob is a good brother. It’s hard being the oldest but he tries to set a good example and help his brother and sisters. He is even making his siblings the most amazing Book of Mormon Storybook for Christmas.

He is always the first to ask to hold Lydia at church. He loves trying to make her laugh. Sarah is his best friend and he loves to do everything with her – his new favorite thing is to read his chapter books to her. And Benji and him, well…they struggle a little but they have their moments and I trust that they will find their thing together too.

One thing that has really taken off with Jacob is reading. He loves reading. He found a series that he loves and he reads them constantly. He had received some books for his birthday and Christmas but he even used ALL of his Christmas money to buy MORE books. He loves these Imagination Station books and has probably read each one three or four times. He can’t get enough of them! I bet he spends at least two hours reading a day and it warms my momma heart.

Jacob is also a wonderful artist. He loves to craft, draw, paint, sculpt, you name it. He is incredibly creative and I love his excitment when he begins a new project.

Jacob is the boy who made me a mom. He pushes me to try and be better. He keeps me on my toes and surprises me in unique ways. He is a good boy. And I love him forever.

(1) Comment

  1. Grammy says:

    Jacob is such a treasure. We love him so. He introduced us to being gramps and Grammy. Thank you for being such fabulous parents.

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