
Halloween Festivities

Fall is easily my favorite season and we jammed in as much wonderful fall/Halloween goodness into our last weekend as we could!

After Mark got off of work on Wednesday we headed over to Utah for all of the FUN!

Chinese Food

We kicked off things with some delicious Chinese food! We have been studying Ancient China in history and we thought some Chinese food was in order! The kids were so excited to see Chinese writing, to tell Gramps and Grammy what Chinese Year they were born in, and use CHOPSTICKS!

Our meal was so yummy and I think we may have converted the kids to go out to Chinese more often!

Grandma Moldenhauer

Our first stop on Thursday was to visit my Grandma Moldenhauer. Our kids are so comfortable with her and I am so glad that even though we don’t get to see her frequently that they are developing a relationship with her.

This was a special weekend for her {we will get to that later!} and I was so happy to take the kids to visit her.

Salt Lake Temple

After our visit with Grandma we dropped the kiddos off at Gramps and Grammy’s house so Aunt Megan could babysit them while Mark and I and my parents were able to drive up to Salt Lake to do some work in the Salt Lake Temple.

When I heard about the renovations {which I am SO excited about!} to the Salt Lake Temple and Temple Square I really wanted to go. It was such a special experience and I was so grateful to go with Mark and my parents and have that time together in the temple.


We got home a little later than we had planned and decided to just stay in until we could get the kiddos to bed. We had a yummy dinner and got the kids all tucked in and then Mark and I went and did a little shopping.

Sadly, we weren’t able to get hardly anything I was hoping for {almost all of the places we wanted to go to were closing or already closed} but we did spend over an hour in Barnes and Noble {because…BOOKS!} and wandered through Target {because I yearn for the day we live by a Target}.


Friday was jammed packed with fun!

We got up and going and headed down to Cornbelly’s and it was a BLAST!!! We had never been before but had heard such great things that we knew we had to try it out.

Poor Lydie pretty much spent her whole weekend in the stroller but she was such a trooper!

What did we learn? We need loads more time there. I felt like we barely scratched the surface of all that there was to do but we had so much fun!


We grabbed some lunch and then headed up to WitchFest at Gardner Village. The kids love going and seeing “the witches”!

It was great to just walk around and relax with Grammy and Aunt Megan. And the kids were loving all of the fresh sweet water taffy!

90th Birthday

It may be impossible to pick what my favorite activity was from this weekend but this will definitely be one that I will always remember.

My Grandma Moldenhauer turns 90 years old next week and I wanted her to feel like a princess. Since I knew we would be coming down for the weekend, Mark and I made a date with her with flowers and all and took her out to dinner.

We had such a wonderful evening talking with her, learning new things about her life, and listening to how much she misses my Grandpa. She is a good woman and I am grateful to be her granddaughter.

More Shopping

After we took Grandma home we made a quick Costco stop {we need a Costco in Wyoming, folks!} and then headed home.

We were so lucky to come the same weekend that my Aunt Lucy and cousin Tara were coming to visit. We do not get to see them very often but they had come down for Grandma’s birthday and so we were able to catch up with them. Aunt Lucy is truly one of the best and I was so grateful to spend some time with her.

Boo at the Zoo

Saturday was the big finale and one of the kids favorite Halloween traditions – BOO AT THE ZOO! They love going to the zoo and getting to dress up is a BIG bonus!

I felt like this year was super busy. Different vendors come and the kids can go trick-or-treating but luckily our kids had no desire to stand in the lines {and neither did we!} so we got to enjoy the animals and that was pretty great.

{I promise the other kiddos were there too but they were hanging out with family and so we didn’t get as much shots of them!}

At the end I think the kids were a little bummed out that they didn’t get any candy but I am sure we will make up for it this week!

As per tradition, we headed to Red Robin for burgers and sandwiches before making our way back to Wyoming. It was a full and wonderful couple of days.

No Carving

Sadly this year, no carving of the pumpkins happened. We got pumpkins at Cornbelly’s and brought them home only to have them completely freeze on our porch. We brought them in to carve and they pretty much turned into goop.

Next year, we might have to baby our pumpkins a little more!