
Grandma Moldenhauer

Last Friday, my sweet Grandma returned back to our Heavenly Father. Her health had been failing in recent weeks. It felt more difficult given our current world situation since we were unable to visit her in the ways we wanted to.

I have been reflecting on my memories with my Grandmother and I have to admit, most of them make me laugh.

My favorite memory of my Grandma makes me smile instantly when I think on it. Every summer growing up, my family would drive from Oregon to Soda Springs, Idaho to visit family. We would always stay with my Grandpa and Grandma Moldenhauer’s when we stayed in Soda Springs.

One day, Grandma and I were riding our bikes out to Hooper Springs. I was riding behind her when all of a sudden a gust of wind came and all I see is her HAIR blowing away in the wind. She yells at me to grab it and I am truly horrified.

All I could think was: My Grandma is a witch.

I remember slowly picking up her “hair” and taking it back to my Grandma – and saying NOTHING.

Grandma must have sensed my horror and when we got back home and decided to talk to me about her “hair”. She took me into her pink carpeted bathroom, and took out a mannequin of a head and told me that this was her wig, and at night, she put it on this mannequin.

This did NOTHING to calm my young, innocent mind. And for quite some time, I was convinced that something wasn’t quite right with my sweet Grandma.

If I were to describe my Grandma in a few words they would be these. She always seemed like such a lady. She was always put together. She had fancy things that I knew never to touch. She was very feminine and loved all things floral and the color pink. And Grandma was very used to getting her way.

Some of my fondest memories of Grandma come from the two summers I was able to live with her and my Grandpa while working in college.

Grandma worked hard. We were working at a family-owned campground together and she did her part. She was always down in the store making sure things were tidy and well organized. Presentation was KEY. It was all in the details and Grandma was good at that.

Grandma could have made friends with anyone. I always admired her for that. She had a gift for talking. She was so good at making friends and getting to know people. She was the definition of a social butterfly.

Grandma and I also shared a similar hatred for mice. I remember coming down one morning for breakfast while we were living together at the cabin to hear her and Grandpa having a heated argument…well, heated on Grandma’s side {Grandpa was endlessly patient with Grandma}.

Grandma was SURE she had seen a mouse and that was completely unacceptable. Once I found out the reason behind their discussion, Grandma and I agreed to leave until Grandpa took care of our little mouse friend.

I feel fairly confident there wasn’t a mouse, but Grandpa humored us, and said he would take care of it, and we both trusted him to do just that. And he always did.

I loved having a front row seat to the interactions of Grandpa and Grandma while I lived with them. They were both so different from one another, but somehow, it worked.

Dinner time was usually spent with Grandma talking and Grandpa and I listening. But sometimes, Grandpa would say things quietly so Grandma couldn’t hear him and she would get so frustrated with him. I can still hear her saying “OH LEW” and slapping at his shoulder.

Another favorite memory of Grandma also comes from my time living with her. It was shortly after I came and Grandma saw me take out my wallet from my purse and immediately told me it was “unacceptable”. She told me on my next day off we would be driving over to Dillards to find me something more suitable.

Grandma had some definite opinions and made sure to find me something more grownup. I still use the wallet she got for me.

This was the event that started my “lady lessons”. Grandma informed me that while I was living with her, she was going to teach me how to be a lady. Only Grandma would do this.

She taught me how a lady should talk and carry herself. How a lady should dress. You name it.

Grandma and I got along well, despite her “Grandma-isms”. She would correct me at times, but I always felt like it was done out of love.

Just like with all those that come before us, I always wanted to make Grandma proud of me.

Grandma was always supportive of me and my family. She always asked how the children were doing and how Mark was doing with school and/or work. She would always remind me that things would work out.

The week before Grandma passed, I knew time was getting short with her. I was able to get permission to come from Wyoming to visit her at her assisted living center in Utah. My kids stayed in the car {with my Dad} while my mom and I went inside to see Grandma.

Grandma was very petite, but she somehow seemed even smaller that day. I wasn’t sure what to expect from our visit. I knew she might not understand who I was. It was such a beautiful surprise when that wasn’t the case. She was weak but she was THERE.

We had a sweet and tender conversation. One that I will treasure forever. My Grandma was the youngest of eight and had been practicing all of her siblings names. She was so excited to meet her older sister who had passed before she was born. She was excited to see her parents again. And, of course, to see Grandpa.

But the best part of the conversation was when my Grandma told me she thought I was a great lady. I don’t know if she remembered our “lady lessons” but it immediately made me smile and cry all at the same time. I don’t think there is a better compliment I could have gotten from Grandma.

She was a true “lady” and I feel so much joy for her and the reunions she is having. We will miss her, but as my little Sarah said, “She’s with Heavenly Father and Jesus – that’s HAPPY!”. Yes, yes, it is.

The last picture we have with Grandpa
Grandpa would not be happy with me for sharing this – but it is one of my favorites of her. She makes this look GOOD! And I was always trying to convince her to not wear her wig – I thought she looked darling just how she was.
My Grandparents with their three children
This is exactly what I envision happening in heaven right now. My favorite picture.
On their 50th Wedding Anniversary

(2) Comments

  1. Dixie Valentine says:

    A sweet tribute your Grandam.

    1. Elise says:

      Thank you 🙂

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