
Double Ear Infection

Our family was about one week back to activities and school things when we were HIT with a brutal cold and fever! It was so not fun. It was so bad even Mark got it – which is saying something because that man has an immune system of STEEL! But it was just a wicked cold in your head, throat, and chest, accompanied by a fever that lasted for days. Times that over six people, and it was a rough go for about 10 days.

Lydia, as always, got the worst end of it all. Once she was on day four with a fever I took her to her incredible pediatrician who said that she had an ear infection. We put her on an antibiotic which helped for about a day, but then the fever was back and wasn’t going anywhere. I took her back to her pediatrician and Lydia now had an ear infections in both ears (which is no fun but we were happy it wasn’t worse – at first, they thought it might be walking pneumonia). Once she got put on two antibiotics Lydia was finally able to get past it. YAY!

Lydia has the best siblings. She was sitting and playing in their room one day, when Ben came and got me. Lydia had laid down on Sarah and fallen asleep and Ben had covered her with his blanket. The sweetest. We are happy to report that we are all well once more but it was a DOOZY.

(1) Comment

  1. […] birthday fell at the tail end of everyone being sick. So a couple days later, Sarah decided that for her special birthday activity she wanted to go to […]

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