
Come, Follow Me

“Come, follow me,” the Savior said. 

Then let us in his footsteps tread,

For thus alone can we be one

With God’s won loved, begotten Son. 


“Come, follow me,” a simple phrase,

Yet truth’s sublime, effulgent rays

Are in these simple words combined

To urge, inspire the human mind.


Is it enough alone to know

That we must follow him below,

While trav’ling thru this vale of tears?

No, this extends to holier spheres.


Not only shall we emulate

His course while in this earthly state,

But when we’re freed from present cares,

If with our Lord we would be heirs.”

Text: John Nicholson, 1839-1909

Music: Samuel McBurney, 1847-1909

Today, Jacob and Sarah had the opportunity to participate in our annual program given during Sacrament Meeting in our Church. This is a chance for all of the children ages 3 – 11 to sing and share their testimonies for our congregation. It is always such a sweet program and a highlight for the year.

This year, the children have been learning many stories about the life of Jesus Christ. The reason they are learning these stories is so that they can better follow the example of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

This is what our kiddos decided to share today:

Jacob: I can follow Jesus by listening to my mom and feel the Savior’s love.

Sarah: Heavenly Father asks us to be kind and forgive.

When I asked both of the kids which song they enjoyed singing most, they both told me the song above. When I asked them why, they told me that it made they feel good…Folks, there is a reason the scriptures tell us to become like children. They know it and they feel the Spirit in their lives.

It was a beautiful day.