Showing 516 Result(s)

Sleep Study

I have mentioned it many times before, but sleep is a struggle for Lydia. It always has been. And things have definitely been difficult lately with that. We started using melatonin in September and there was hardly any change. Lydia would fall asleep more easily, but other than that, it was the same routine. Usually …



Jacob made a goal the end of September to learn how to better take care of our home – specifically, how to use the dishwasher! It is pretty amazing when your kiddo voluntarily wants to learn how to do something that is going to make YOUR life simpler! Let’s just say, I was very supportive …



Happy Halloween from us! We are calling this year “Classic Halloween” because all of the kids went for some “classic” costumes! Black Cat Spider Witch We also had to document Sarah’s first time using pink curlers! I loved doing these as a kid and it was so fun to do for Sarah. She LOVED it! …

Faith, Life

A Great Work

“Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is great. Behold, the Lord requireth the heart and a willing mind.” Doctrine & Covenants 64:33 A couple weeks ago, Jacob, Sarah, and Benjamin were able to participate in our ward’s …

Life, Travel

Downtown Aquarium

Our final adventure in Colorado was to the Downtown Aquarium. This was another fun stop that Mark and I used to do back when we lived here. I will admit though, it was a little underwhelming in ways. I’d say it has some bigger displays and animals then the aquarium we like to go to …