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Halloween has come and gone but we had a great one. The kids LOVED going to our ward’s harvest festival filled with good food, trick or treating inside (it was cold!), and lots and lots of candy! We carved our pumpkins and Grammy sent her much beloved Halloween box full of goodies and fun! And …


Life with Rett

October is Rett Syndrome Awareness month and it seems like a good time to give an update on all things with Lydie’s health from the past year. This last year has seen mountains and valleys. I remember speaking with a friend in April about how things were going really good with Lydie at the time. …


35th Birthday

Last week I got to celebrate my 35th birthday. My actual birthday was on a day where there was truly no time or opportunity to celebrate anything. Mark was in the middle of a work week so he would be sleeping the whole day, Lydia had therapy, Sarah had ballet, and I had my orientation …



Last week, Jacob got braces! He’s waited for months to lose his last tooth and then had an expander for a month, to finally get to this point! He was really excited going in but the excitement has not lasted. The first day was okay, he said his teeth just felt a little tender. But …