Showing 514 Result(s)

Jacob Scott

Time for a Jacob Appreciation Post! We are on the doorstep of a completely new chapter in Jacob’s young life and I am so excited for it! He is growing up and it is such a beautiful thing to see. I have been reflecting extra on Jacob lately. In the next couple weeks, Jacob will …



“During this Christmas season, and throughout the year, I pray that we will remember the Generous One – our God, our Father, our beloved Shepherd and Counselor. For He is the Gift-Giver! He is the Generous One!…He endows us with gifts so sublime and precious that they exceed out ability to fully comprehend and even …


Lydia Rose

Time for a Lydia Appreciation Post! This girl. It is no secret that she is the light of our lives. I sometimes worry about writing things like that – I hope no one thinks we value one kiddo above another – but truly, we all adore Lydie and she is openly each of the kid’s …

Faith, Life

Primary Pianist

A couple weeks ago, Mark was released from his calling as a teacher in Primary for Jacob’s class and accepted the calling to be the pianist in Primary. This is a first for him and he is sad to no longer be teaching but excited for the opportunity to play the piano more.