Life, Travel

Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area

Our final stop on our trip proved to be a favorite. In my mind, before our trip, I envisioned this stop as being a quickie. We would drive around a little, get our “stamp”, and then be on our way. It was such a pleasant surprise though!

We woke up in Billings and, after having a really poor night’s sleep {bad neighbors}, we were ready to hit the road home. However, we had planned to stop in Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area. This area straddles the state line between Montana and Wyoming. And it is BEAUTIFUL!

The views are incredible and the landscape feels a little wild still – which is SO FUN! We stopped at the Visitor’s Center and the ranger was so helpful. We changed our plans a little and went adventuring!


Ever since our trip to North Dakota and visiting Theodore Roosevelt National Park I have loved wild horses. They are so majestic and just take me back to a different time.

And then we saw these majestic creatures right along side the road by the trail we were going on. Bighorn sheep are beautiful and we are so glad we saw them!

Sullivan’s Knob Trail

The ranger suggested this trail for our young crew and it was fantastic. It was very easy and is only about a mile roundtrip. It ends on this knob of doom over the canyon.

Mark and I had to joke that it would be interesting to have me hooked up to a blood pressure monitor in these situations because the trail was wonderful and relaxing and then as soon as we got out to the knob I was a WRECK.

I really try hard to mask my fears but geez it is hard. Luckily, again, Mark is a gem. He knows my fears and respects them. But it also doesn’t hold him back from exploring. And what usually happens, and happened here, is I just tell him that I am turning around and he’s got it! Otherwise, I just become a crazy person with the kids. I tell you, fear is powerful. I don’t know why my fear of heights is so bad but it is REAL.

But even from this height-hating individual, I can say that the views were pretty incredible. The canyon was beautiful.

Devil Canyon Overlook

This overlook gives you all of the views of the canyon. And there is a fence! 😉 We truly have an amazing world we live in.

It was the perfect ending to our trip. We entered Wyoming and began heading home. Another wonderful family trip in the books!

(4) Comments

  1. Dixie Valentine says:

    Wow! You saw a lot of Montana in one trip!
    While reading your blog, I have reminisced about the times we visited most of the same places you’ve visited.

    Over 30 years ago, we camped at an RV park in Ft. Smith and spent 2 days fishing the Bighorn River. We went to the Yellowtail Dam, but didn’t get to the Bighorn rec. area. Lots of other places to see. This morning I looked at the pictures I took of that trip. But I also had kept a mileage log, the amount we spent for gas, meals, and other costs. I had receipts for everything along with a daily journal. It brought back happy memories, some that I had forgotten. It was interesting to see the price of gas, how many gallons we purchased, the miles we traveled, what we paid for a meal, lodging and ect. The journal brought back to my mind things I’d forgotten. I even had a cartoon about fly fishing that made me laugh.. I was so glad that I had those things.

    So my suggestion is, DOCUMENT the details of your trips! It takes time and effort, but decades from now you will be glad you did. I am SO glad I did!

    I enjoyed my trip down memory lane as you and your family made memories on your trip.

    Have a lovely day.
    Love you. Grandma

    1. Elise says:

      Oh thank you so much for sharing that. That really is a treasure! I never thought about recording those details but it would be so fascinating to look back on. I am so glad you have that for you.

  2. Scott Clegg says:

    What river was in the canyon at the Devil Canyon Overlook? A good sized one.

    1. Elise says:

      It’s the Bighorn River. And YES – it was so much bigger than I was imagining!

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