
Benjamin’s 7th Birthday

Benjamin is SEVEN YEARS OLD! And we loved celebrating our big guy!

Indiana Jones Party

If you know Mark, you know of his great love for the composer, John Williams. I learned that about him on our very first date and as much as I tease him about it, I really do love how much he loves him. Because of that love, our kids are very familiar with all of his musical works. Most of the movies they haven’t seen yet, but earlier this year Mark finally gave in and told the kids they could watch the first Indiana Jones movie (minus the part at the end when the people’s faces melt off – we cover our eyes just like Indy!).

Ever since, Ben has been OBSESSED! So when the time came for Ben to pick his theme for his birthday party – it was an easy pick!

Ben’s birthday was the birthday that just kept on GIVING. While my parents were here for Sarah’s Nutcracker performance, we decided to celebrate his special day. Kuddos to my Mom who helped with decorations while I was running Sarah around to dress rehearsals!

For Ben’s birthday breakfast he requested double chocolate waffles – definitely a favorite with the kids for their birthday. We went to church and then later that night we had a yummy dinner followed by cake and presents! Ben chose a very sophisticated grapefruit almond poppy seed cake which was surprisingly FABULOUS!

I truly CANNOT believe I didn’t get a picture of Ben with my parents – but he was so thrilled to have his “first buddy” there with him.

A couple days later, we did Ben’s birthday activity. He chose to go to his favorite – the Denver Nature and Science Museum! There was a new exhibit called “Mysteries of the Ice Ages” and it was SO fun! Ben seemed to really enjoy it – and so did the rest of us.

A storm was rolling in and so we only had time for one more exhibit and Ben chose to do the Prehistoric Journey. We then made our way closer to home and Ben chose to go to IHOP for his birthday dinner.

Benjamin’s Questionnaire & Favorites

  • What is your favorite thing to do? LEGOS
  • Do you have any nicknames? Ben, Benji, Ben-JAM-in
  • What do you want to be when you grow up? Archeologist
  • What is your favorite thing to do with family? Play outside
  • What makes you happy? Lydie
  • What do you like to learn about? Animals
  • What do you do really well? LEGOS and drawing
  • If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it? Buy a house for our family
  • What is your favorite thing to do outside? Swimming, go camping, and riding my bike
  • If you could anywhere, where would you go? Island Park
  • If you could have one wish, what would it be? To have a pet
  • What was your favorite birthday present? Roller coaster adventure
  • Food: Macaroni and Cheese
  • Holiday: Christmas
  • Book: The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins by Dr. Seuss
  • Toy: LEGOS
  • Treat: Ice Cream
  • Song: The Twelve Days of Christmas
  • Animal: Dogs
  • Movie: Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark
  • Color: Blue

Our Seven Year Old Boy

Indiana Jones was a perfect theme in ways because Indiana Jones is so many things that Ben is. Ben is ADVENTUROUS. He is always up for an adventure. He loves to try new things. He loves to be outside digging in the dirt. He wants to be an archeologist which sounds just perfect for him.

Ben is also very sensitive. Sometimes he can be a little too sensitive and does not like to be teased. But he is a tender hearted little guy and is especially in tune with his little sister. He is so sweet with her and always makes sure she is included and comfortable.

He continues to be the most physical human being I have ever met. As I am writing this, he is sitting next to me with his head on my shoulders and his arm wrapped around mine. The boy LOVES to snuggle. He gives endless hugs and “loves” to all of us.

Ben has also started to really enjoy listening to audio books. He loves listening to Lydie’s tonie with her and really enjoys the stories. It was a surprising thing to me but I love how much he loves them. He even has some of them memorized!

Ben also may be a hoarder. He loves to come up with “inventions” and uses anything and everything he can find. Every time I open his closet I will find milk cartons, cereal boxes, etc. that he has saved from the garbage to be a part of a new idea that he has. I love his creative mind – still unsure how I feel about the hoarding though.

We love you so much, Ben. You give love so freely to everyone around you and we hope you feel it from us, too.

Growing Up

(1) Comment

  1. Dixie Valentine says:

    Wow Benjamin, it looks like you had a terrific birthday and you did a lot of fun things. I loved your Indiana Jones hat. Very Cool! The museum looks like it is a really amazing facility with lots of very interesting displays. You are growing up. I see that your top tooth is coming in. You have a fun Christmas.
    Elise, you never cease to amaze me at all you are able to get done. Love to everyone. Great Grandma Dixie

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