
Benjamin’s 4th Birthday

Benjamin has been saying he’s four since he turned three so this has been a very LONG awaited day!

After I wished him a happy birthday he happily said, “I am four FOREVER!”. So, this is going to be Benji’s year!


Benjamin wanted a Peter Pan party and we were happy to supply one. Because of COVID, we kept it just our little family and stayed home. But it kind of worked out perfectly to just have a simple party.

For breakfast, Benjamin asked for some green pancakes, bacon, and orange juice. DONE!

Then we got the tent all set up and cozy inside and Benjamin chose to watch…The Land Before Time. So the Lost Boys {and girls} watched the movie while I decorated upstairs and got everything ready.

Benjamin is all about quesadillas and so we had those along with oranges and spanish rice with his favorite “spicy” drink.

It was a super simple day but we hope it was special for our little man. We, of course, ended the day with cake, mint ice cream, and presents.

Birthday Interview

Books: Peter Pan, Pinocchio, and Pete the Cat: Big Easter Adventure.

Activities: play Mouse Trap, scissoring, “working” outside, and reading books

Food: blueberries, cake, strawberries, quesadillas

Game: Mouse Trap

Song: Families Can Be Together Forever, I Am a Child of God, and I Love to See the Temple

Holiday: Going to the Pumpkin Patch {?}

Animal: Tiger

Movie: Peter Pan

Color: Green


This boy has a knack for making anything into a weapon. It’s not the proudest thing for a mother to say, but boy, he has a gift.

Maybe a better way of saying this is that Benjamin has an incredible imagination. He is always pretending to be an animal or a villain of some sort.

Benjamin is our first picky eater. Every night, like clockwork, when it is time for dinner he walks into the kitchen and says “I don’t like this.” 90% of the time he hasn’t even SEEN what dinner is yet! It drives me absolutely bonkers and I keep waiting for it to pass. But until then, dinner will continue to feel like a marathon.

“Scissoring”. Benjamin’s favorite activity that he can do for HOURS. He loves to take some scratch pieces of paper and just cut into teenty tiny pieces. It makes him SUPER happy and I love that.

Benjamin is definitely a physical soul. He loves to wrestle, tickle, jump, and run. He also loves “loves”. He is quick to give a “loven” on the cheek and I love that about him. He smothers Lydia in loves all day and she gladly accepts them.

He loves to make others laugh. And he succeeds. He brings a lot of laughter to our home and we are grateful. Sometimes he makes us laugh, even when he doesn’t mean to. For example. on our Montana trip earlier this fall, he picked a wolf stuffed animal as his gift, and he named it…Cracker. We love it and it is random and perfectly Benjamin.

We love you, Benjamin. Thank you for your unique Benjamin-isms. You bring us so much joy.

(1) Comment

  1. Best view i have ever seen !

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